It's a Good Life--So I'm Told [ August 16, 2003, 3:17 pm ]

In theory I SHOULD be cleaning my room. Should is the very key word here. Am I? Well duh--I'm on here instead. All hail Diaryland, making procrastinators happy since ummm....since it started. Haha.

I really should clean. I can barely see the carpetting. Baaad. And both Katy and Christy are gonna be crashing here tonight. Princess Katy gets the bed. I'm still pondering how exactly that whole situation occurred. I get to sleep on the hard floor tonight. Aren't you all jealous?

I'm so proud of me--I got my bulletin boards done. ALL three of them. Lalala. Life is fabby. That was the one thing I promised myself and my boss I'd have done before tonight. I'm doing gooood. I'm a kick ass AP. Yeah.

Go me.

*self love*

(ok that sounded baaad. Get your mind outta the gutter if you think I'm doing something naughty over here. Hehe.)

Actually...speaking of self-lovin'....I had the oddest dream last night. I don't know how the hell this even came about, but in Marquette there was some kind of drive-thru self-loving or sexed-up business. It was booming. There were hot guys working there to help make you feel....happy. Yeah. My personal drive-thru love slave was Ryan Reynolds. (Wouldn't this be fabulous if this were real and not a bizarre dream?) He made me so happy I ran to the Backroom and bought lots of vibrators and sex toys after driving through.

It was quite the detailed dream.


I'll just leave it at that.


I was at dinner with Joe last night and we were toasting each other and toasting to a fabulous year, when I realized just how happy I am right now. I'm back in Hunt, I love my staff, I love my job, college is pure bliss, I have amazing friends, I have a tan (no more Albino Girl--at least for the next few days!), there may actually be a blip on Krissy's guy-radar....

Watch--now that I've said that I'll get hit by a Mack truck or something.

To back-pedal for a second--Yes yes, you read right. There may be a blip on my guy radar. He's not gay either, so don't even think that. (Believe me, I already thought through that.) Yeah, I'm slightly giddy about this. He's a nice guy from what I can deduce. Bob's kinda playing matchmaker--let's see how this works.

It all stems back to my last entry when I mentioned something. Wednesday night at Quarters was quite interesting. Bob and Steph got way too drunk and were trying to push the two of us together. I was really having none of that, but the more I thought about it in the days following, the more I started to think why not? At least give him a shot. If he has the guts to ask me out or whatever I wo'nt shoot him down. Bob SWEARS that he really likes me. Hmm. We'll just have to see how this goes...

Needless to say though--I'm more than a little giddy about this. Lalalalaaaa

And tonight I get to go out with Pookie and Em to the fair. This is gonna be fun. Lalala.

Aight, I've procrastinated long enough. Time to clean, no?

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Till I hear it from you" by the Gin Blossoms (does this transport anyone else back to the days of middle and high school?)

Crush du Jour: Ryan Reynolds

Happy Thought of the Moment: quality staff bonding, Fazolis for lunch, fuzzy pillows, pretty fabric for entrance, Manda's 21st (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!), guy sitch, good life, good quotes, being done with training, hilarious staff karaoke, boards done, fun pix, swimming to the painted rock ("you have no idea how empowered I am"), aloe vera, ice cream from Joe, non-100 degree days, Moulin Rouge, Bacardi silver and Chambora, hot dog guy, pedicures, friends moving back

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