Keep it Flowin' [ July 07, 2004, 10:58 pm ]

I'm now addicted to Sex and the City. I care about Carrie. I AM Carrie. I've become a gay man. I blame TBS.

But God I LOVE that channel. Seinfeld, Friends (the older, way better, less-soap-opera-y ones) and Sex? This is the greatest. Channel. EVER.

When the fuck did I become such a couch potato? Sad.

It's kind of funny though...even as I'm exhausted and reveling in my homebody moments, I'm finding myself with a fuller schedule than I think I've ever had. Suddenly I'm the sunny socialite of the Marquette scene. (Not that there is a Marquette scene, but still.) I've had plans with different friends every night since last week. I am not complaining.

I'm actually dazzled and stunned more than anything. Admittedly it's because I'm slightly insecure and I'm wondering still why people would want to hang out with a dork like me. I think I'm fabulous, but I'm biased. I'm loud, I don't think before I speak (ummm....and that's only about ten times as true when alcohol is added to the equation) and I'm not the gorgeous "it" girl that every group seems to have.

Oh God--I'm the Ugly girl. I'm the girl people go out with so that they look better compared to the Ugly Girl. As much as I know this isn't true, there's a teeny voice saying that it is. Great. More for me to fret about.


Yeah right, like I really give a fuck. In the long run I know that my friends rock. And that I'm cute and not the Ugly Girl.

I hope.

I'm maturing. So you probably cannot tell from that little tangent above, but I am. I had a three-hour dinner with old friends tonight. Drinks, good food, orgasmic desert and fabulous conversation. When did I go from fast food and sex jokes to four course meals and fabulously deep conversations?

This fact truly does stun me. And makes me happy. Because, truly, this is what life is about. Not random freak-outs, not getting drunk every night, not being the popular one. As long as the bonds last and the conversation doesn't dry up, I will have one hell of a life.

I hope.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: The Daily Show with John Stewart

Crush du Jour: Ben Affleck

Happy Thought of the Moment: reunions, yummy food, delicious deserts, fun with the digital camera, feeling like a rockstar, Sex and the City

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