Maybe I'm Maturing? [ August 19, 2004, 12:16 am ]

I'm officially a redhead again. As funky and quasi-mysterious as my mud-brown hair, I wasn't really feelin' it. I'm a redhead at heart. Plus this is more of an auburn-reddish for my hair, so I can still use my chocolate-yumminess that is the Brilliant Brunette shampoo. Hell yeah.

So I've hung out with a couple of couples in the past couple of days. This is an interesting turn of events for this eternally single girl who thought she had other equally single friends.

Last night Christy and Nate came over for dinner. I love that they're back in town. I didn't realize how much I'd missed them until they were back. Christy alone is completely fabulous and a great friend. When Nate's added to the mix it's like my own little comedy show. They rock. And I love that I'm not treated like a third wheel when I'm with them. Nate jokes that he's the third wheel around Christy and I. Really, it's just a fun friendship. I heart them.

We saw Napoleon Dynamite last night. Holy. Fucking. Shit. I think I found a movie that surpasses Anchorman in funny-ness. Christy and Nate had seen it before and were eager to see it again so they could imitate Napoleon ("Tina come get some HAM." "I'll do whatever I want. GOSH.") I've been wanting to see it for a few weeks, so I was excited. Once we got into the theater, hyperness set in. We laughed through the entire movie. Obnoxiously and loudly. I think we annoyed the other 6 people in there. We didn't care. It was so much fun. We kept quoting the movie during the movie. "GOSH!" was said more than twice. At some point I almost slid out of my seat laughing. The dance scene at the end? Priceless.

What's more amusing is that when I was putzing around the apartment getting ready for bed last night I said "GOSH!" at least half a dozen times. I may be the female Napoleon Dynamite.


I gotta get me some moonboots.

Anyways....couples. Yeah.

Then tonight I had the privaledge of hanging out with Chrissy and her current boy. I enjoy this guy, he's sweet, considerate and is obviously totally adoring of Chrissy. I thought it may be uncomfortable to spend time with one of my best friends and her her date, but I felt rather comfortable. Which is good since I was in the process of getting my hair dyed when he came over.

Not feeling like a third wheel--it's a very VERY good thing.

It's just weird because there's been times when I've felt horrendously jealous of my coupled-up friends. But the past couple of days have been a bit of a revelation for me. (I know, I know, I have these all the flipping time.) Call it maturity or whatever, but I'm so happy for my friends. I'm only friends with good people (well...for the most part), and they deserve to be happy. Christy and Nate are what I dream of one day having: a funny, silly, dorky yet sweet, endearing relationship. And Chrissy's being treated like a queen, which is definitely what she deserves. In the past it probably would have bothered me to see my friends so happy, but like I said--they deserve it. we all do. And instead of me being jealous and mopey, this only gives me hope that one day I may have that too.

Bravisimo, you guys.

Ciao, dahling!


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