A Little, Teeny Bit Psyched! (And Philosophical...) [ June 27, 2002, 8:54 pm ]

It's hot. Muggy. Blech. But I'm feeling a lot better since that last work-hated entry. (Which, FYI, I wrote at 3ish, but my comp conked out, so I didn't get to add it till 8. Whatev. At least I remembered to save it in case that kind of sitch happened. Go me!!!) I got sleep. Sleep is the best remedy for a bad mood I think. If you can just nap for an hour or so, it totally will give you perspective. When you wake up things just don't seem half as bad. I think it also helps that I just kind of broke down and cried to release all of my floods of emotions.

I've just been feeling so much lately--remorseful about this weekend, nervousness, stress, missing all my peeps back at college, frustration, all these negative things. I think that crying helped to release all of them though, cuz now I'm totally chill. Except for the fact that I have a gabillion things to do tonight.

TO DO (before sleep is anywhere in the picture): pack for Marquette, clean my room up slightly, clean my car (?), finish the mix tape for the trip, take a quick shower, find report card for mom for insurance discount, find letter for financial aide people, finish "Almost Famous" (which I adore so far, but kinda got distracted while watching it last night--EM!!), call Em to confirm tomorrow's plans, get DVDs ready to return to Blockbuster.....

The list goes on and on. Gaaah! Yeah, I'll get it all accomplished. Cuz I can multi-task and do like 4 things at once. I am good like that. The hard part is getting off my lazy duff to start all this crap. :p

Quick overview of what happened last night: wanted to chill and watch movies. Needed to call Em. Call her--end up on the phone for an hour and a half (which is totally normal cuz we have marathon convos at least twice a week. I devour phone cards.)debating Harry Potter and movies. (FYI: apparrently a major character dies in the next HP book. I'll be sooo heart-broken if it's Ron--that's Em's theory. That it'll be Ron, that he'll sacrifice his life to save Harry or something. I personally hope they kill off Snape. I like him, but I like all the other characters better, so Snape can just bite the big one.) Then my celly starts ringing. I missed like 3 calls. Who calls my cell when I'm home--oh--people who can't reach me on my normal phone. Oops, my bad. So I finally get off the phone with Em (Which is a lot harder than it sounds. She is IMPOSSIBLE to hang up with.) and then Heather comes over to invite me to a bonfire. So I end up there for like 3 hours, just talking and chilling with old friends. It was quite fabulous and relaxing. Like old times.

It's amazing how much people change after graduating. It's only been 2 years, but I seriously see only shadows of the friends I had in high school. And in this case it's completely for the best--we're all more fun-loving, carefree, less uptight, more daring and feisty. But a lot of people just totally change and it's not good. I'm just glad that all my friends have changed for the better. It was hard to accept and come to grips with at first (it always is) but now I love them just as they are...even as they grow and become. (God, I am so corny sometimes!)

I should go and prepare for my weekend. IT'S THIS WEEKEND IT'S THIS WEEKEND!!! Wish me luck--he'll find out how I feel. And then I can find out if a fairy tale begins, or if I begin a new chapter in my life. Either way, it's exciting. I'm pumped...and nervous. But I WON'T chicken out. I won't get a chance to update. *sob* I know y'all will miss me! Hehehe! I'll return on Monday. Have a fabby weekend all! Much love! Ciao, dahling!


PS: MEL!! I'll give you a call once I get to MQT. We need to get together and hang out this weekend chicky! I wanna meet your fabu sweetie!!! Mwah!

Livin' Out My Rockstar Fantasy To: "What's My Age Again?" by blink182--my favorite song by them!!!

Crush Du Jour: JC from *NSync (SUCH a beautiful voice) and Orlando Bloom

Happy Thought of The Moment: GOING TO MARQUETTE!!!, chinese food, IMs from best friends that brighten my day, good tippers, guys that make me smile when I'm cranky, Men in Black II, bonfires, s'mores, homemade slushies, Target, payday!!!

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