My MQT Weekend--SOOO Chicken [ July 01, 2002, 7:58 pm ]

I couldn't do it. I couldn't tell him. I still have the card. Chickened out. BIG TIME. Well...not really. Here's what happened:

Em made me go to his apartment complex on Saturday. (btw: thankyousooomuch, hon--you truly are the bestest friend EVER!) I had written out the card, it was all set. So we get into his building and we hear voices. And I start to freak. I didn't want anybody to SEE me slide this thing under his door or anything. Talk about awkward. So I hide behind a corner to figure out where the voices (girls' voices)are coming from. So I'm hiding, feeling like a spy or something (woo-hoo! Look out Charlie's Angels!) when I see where they're coming from. HIS apartment. I didn't hear him, just a couple of girls. But his door was open, so I felt all dumb, and I didn't want him to see me, cuz that would've been really weird, so I just dashed down the stairs (all sneaky-like of course, cuz I am Miss Graceful) and bee-lined it to my car.

So yeah--and I didn't dare try to go back again. I assumed the first time that he wasn't home cuz I hadn't seen his car. And I was WRONG. I'm wondering, though, if he moved. But you'd think he'd tell me or something. I'm just kinda highly frustrated over here.

I'm actually seriously wondering if I DO like him anymore. Which is pretty much why I didn't return to deliver the card. I thinky that some seriously soul-pondering/searching/cleansing is in order STAT to figure this whole thing out.

In other news: it's FUCKING HOT. was like 100 degrees in Marquette yesterday. Sooo horrible. It was that way the whole weekend. Em and I went to the movies 3 times to escape the heat and soak up air conditioning. And Em's apartment is on the 3rd floor of her building, so all the heat rose and got trapped. And she don't have a.c. (nobody in the UP does cuz the heat lasts for like 4 days total, it's just not worth it) It was baaaaaad.

My new version of hell: trapped in a muggy, sweltering room without air of any kind, where I'm just left to sweat to death (isn't that kind of what hell is like anyway? :p) To clarify though--we did have a fan, THANK GOD. We went through something like this last year except without the fan, so at least we could camp out in front of that at night. =)

All in all, the weekend was quite fab. I got to see Mel--we took a walk last night. It is so marvelous to see her. The total number of times I've seen "Scooby-Doo" and "Lilo and Stitch" is up to 3 apiece. I got some cute clothes today. Sweet! I love sidewalk sales. Oh--a little hint too: if your car stalls a gabillion times when you break when it's fucking hot outside, check your coolant. Chances are that it's empty like mine was. Just don't freak out like I did. *grin* I am a complete dork when it comes to my poor Lancelot and car-care. I love my car, but know nothing about automobiles, so I'm obsessive when something's wrong with my dear Grand Am.

Lalalaaa--I'm beginning to get burnt. SWEET! I am Miss Albino over here, so burning means it'll darken into some kind of color...hopefully. ;)

I'm gonna go and relieve myself of the heat. Ciao, dahling! Hope y'all are keeping cool somehow.


Living Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Runaway" by Linkin Park

Crush Du Jour: Will Smith (MIIB out in 2 days--SWEEEEEET!)

Happy Thought of the Moment: Cool breezes, getting tan, going to the beach, Twin Lakes, hot guys at the beach, Italian Ice-pops, cold cold ice water, my stuffed Stitch, "Christmas footie," Empire Records

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