Bitch Bitch Bitch.... [ April 29, 2002, 6:09 pm ]

I was just watching an MTV behind-the-scenes special on the making of the movie "SpiderMan." Dude, I am sooo psyched to see this movie now. I am really really excited. Thank God it comes out this Friday or I would explode. I am such a dork. The movie just looks great though. It really does. It's gonna be awesome. I'm staying in Marquette just so I can see it with Em. We're having a kind of a end-of-the-year celebration. We're going to Applebees and watching Toby-the-hottie. Hehehehe--perfect celebration if you ask me.

Finals began today. Wheee. Can you sense my excitement. Yeah. I had my psych test today. I'm shocked. I don't think I did too bad on it. Hurray! I'll actually pass this class. Go me!!! It pays to study sometimes--who'd have thought, huh?

After psych I had to go to my damned NASCAR (PR 495) class to get my final grade. We got back our Special Event Designs and the final grades. I was sooo pissed. Before the Special Event grade I was in the running for an A. I even thought "well what if I get a bad grade on the SED?" But I didn't think that my group would do too badly since we put a shitload of work and effort into the project. Nope. We barely BARELY got a C. It was brutal. Karyn was harsh with all the groups. Some people didn't even get C's. That's just horrible. And this grade completely brought all of our grades down. I am lucky I got a B in the damn class. I really was hoping for an A, but a B isn't bad considering how tough it was. I was so optimistic for the class though. I put so much time and effort into every assignment. And so did the other members of my group. I'm really pissed. I don't think that the prof had any right to mark everybody so low. I even went and asked her if we were on the right track so that we'd get a good grade. This teacher is so bad. She gives us assignment and doesn't give us any direction or idea of where to go with it. And then she hollers at us when we do something wrong, but she doesn't tell us how to correct it. I was disappointed in this class. And I know others who feel the same way too. I was hoping to learn about the entertainment industry and how to succeed and work in it. I really didn't learn anything new. Everything she talked about I knew thanks to NAE. Oh well. It's over now. At the very least I've made some new friends and alliances in the PR field. My classmates are the coolest people. I'm really glad that I chose to be in this program.

But still...I am really mad about this project and class and professor. I'm completely stressed out right now. When I got my grade in the class the first words out of my mouth were "I want to get drunk." 4 of my classmates looked at me amazed and laughed. That's cuz I am NOT the party type of girl. Honestly I have never been drunk. I've only drunk once in my entire life and I don't think it counts cuz it was a bottle of Smirnoff Ice and I drank it slowly. But right now I think it'd be really pleasant to get smashed, wasted, hammered, fucked up, blitzed, or just plain drunk. And it may happen....who knows. Christy's all for it. We don't have any finals tomorrow, so it could be quite feasible. Hmm.....but we'd have to find somebody to get us alcohol. (It sucks not being 21. Grr) And--oh wait--I'm kind of broke. I'm sure it wouldn't take much to get me wasted though since I've never drunk before. hehehehe. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. I'll keep ya posted.

I should probably elaborate on what I was kvetching about last night. I was talking to a couple people online. They ended up just leaving me. That is completely rude. They didn't say bye or anything. Now...I would think that if these specific people were my friends they'd at least have the decency to say bye or ttyl or something. But nooooo. Nothing. It kinda sucks when you know that you're not that important to them. Especially when you thought that maybe hopefully you were. I don't know. I guess I'm not as mad today since these people have talked to me and pretty much have made my day. But I was really pissed last night cuz of the stress and emotions and lack of sleep. I was probably reading too much into it too--especially since these people happen to be of the male species and have a quarter of a brain. (I guess I have to forgive them of this since it's sex-linked and not really their fault.)

I'm gonna go for now. I'm sure there'll be another entry later on tonight....if I'm not drinking. ::::evil laugh:::: Ciao, dahling!


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