Finals, Stress, and Brain Mush [ April 29, 2002, 1:27 am ]

I hate studying. So so so very much. It's the worst thing ever. I think I hate it cuz I'm so very bad at it. I'm way too easily distracted. It's like "ooohh--cartoons. I wanna watch. Ooohhh--my room is messy. I need to clean. Ooohhhh--so-and-so's online. I need to talk to them. Oooohhh--something shiny. I need to look." I think you get the idea. So yeah.

I went and saw Ocean's 11 tonight with Christy and Megan. They wouldn't stop teasing me about SpiceWorld. So I like a corny, cheesy movie. So shoot me! I'm sure that they both like some retarded movie that I happen to loathe as well. So nah to both of you! (Even though I still have lots of love when you're not ripping on me.)

I came to some kind of realization tonight. If a person does't respect you enough to respond to you, then that person is not worth your time....I think. (I'm still working on this little factoid.) It has to do with respect. It has to do with....a lot of things. I am sure I could elaborate more if my brain wasn't complete mush right now. Lets just say that I am pissed off because certain people are being completely retarded, and I would have never thought that about them. I thought they were above that. And it really kind of hurts. I just really don't know what else to say. You don't just cut somebody off and ignore them the rest of the evening.

Or maybe it's me. Maybe I'm being completely neurotic over here, which is totally feasible with me. I just don't know. Perhaps I'm reading too much into this. All I know is that it's the end of the semester, emotions are really high, and the stress level is even higher. I'm emotional and frustrated at this point in time. I'll explain it all tomorrow. Right now I need sleep since I'm meeting Jamey and Mark early EARLY for breakfast before our psych final. Wish me luck! Ciao, dahling!


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