Worst Movies Ever..... [ April 30, 2002, 2:29 pm ]

WHAT THE FUCK IS THE CANDY MAN??? My roommate is raving about this person. I am absolutely clueless as to who the hell he is. Great--now she's singing. What an interesting afternoon this is turning out to be.

You know how fabulous it is to not have any finals for a day? It is the best thing EVER. It's like pure heaven. It's like a free-for-all slack-off fest. In all reality I should be studying for my cummulative Poli Sci (UGH) exam that I have to take at 10 in the freakin' morning tomorrow. But nope. I went and sold back my books with homo-fabulous Joe. That was fun. The only one that I could sell back was my psych book. I only got $30 back for it. I paid over $100. Welcome to college--a place where they rape students of their money in any way, shape, or form. I wonder if the people that work for NMU feel bad about taking our money all the time. Or do they not have souls? Hmmm...that's actually something I could ponder for awhile. I'm pretty sure that Judi doesn't have one. Brahaha

After that we went to Target. God, I LOVE that place. It's so fun. We were looking at picture frames. I only found like 7 that I wanna buy. Hmmm...there goes my money. :p Oh well...actually I didn't buy anything. I am sooo proud of myself. I went into Target and came out with nothing. What a landmark day this is for me. Yay yay yay!!!

OK, apparently the CandyMan is some sort of crappy horror movie. This has inspired me to list all the shitty movies that I've seen. Or compile a list that is. Yes yes--it's time again for another KiKi Top 10 List. Except that this one may not be 10, cuz I don't think that there's actually 10 movies I've hated. Oh-And I'm starting with the top one. I hated it SOOO much.

*****Krissy's Top 10 List of Movies She's Hated*****

01. A.I.--ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: This movie SUCKED ASS. I completely and totally hated this movie. It was ok at the beginning except for the creepy Kubrick vibe. Then it just got all weird and stupid and retarded. I only liked 2 things about this movie--Jude Law and the cute Teddy Bear. That's it. And that's what I came up with after racking my brain. Thank you, CHRISTY, for dragging me to that movie. It's 2 and a half hours of my life that I'll NEVER EVER get back. Oh--and this thing (it can't even be called a movie or a film in my opinion) could have only ended like 10 times before it actually did. That was the most annoying part. Grrr. Hate it hate it hate it!!

02. POLLACK: Another movie I was dragged to see. I should really learn to start trusting my intuition. This movie dragged on and on. It was another one that could've ended many many times before it actually did. I almost fell asleep. And it was just waaaay too depressing. Ugh. Never ever rent this movie.

03. ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 41: I don't even know if this is the real name of this movie. It's assault on precinct something or another. It was just really bad. The people couldn't act. And the only music was just one really high note played over and over and over.....Just a horrible movie that shouldn't have been made.

04. THE FAMILY MAN: ok, granted, I was really moody and PMS-y when I watched it. Which probably really alter my opinion, but I really disliked this movie and everything about it....except Nicholas Cage, of course!

05. THEY CALL ME TRINITY: Nobody has ever heard of this movie except for me and Em's family. There's a reason for this. It's a really old western. And it's really boring and looooooong. And I didn't see a point to it, honestly. Maybe that's cuz I fell asleep like 4 times during it. And it didn't help that it was in black and white either.

OK, I can't think of any more movies that I really hated. So that's my list for now. Im actually shocked that I came up with 5. I like a wide variety of movies, and am pretty open-minded when it comes to watching them.

I've procrastinated long enough. I am going to go and study now. Until next time...Ciao, dahling!


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