The Plantets MUST be Aligned [ November 25, 2002, 11:36 am ]

This is way too weird. It's 11:30 on a Monday morning and I'm awake, alert, thinking, ready for classes (like FULLY ready--hair done, dressed, makeup on), I got the kudos basket ready for my staff meeting tonight,AND I've completed my fruit pizza already. And I just woke up at 10:50. No joke. I've accomplished a lot (or a lot for me at least!) already and it's not even noon.

The planets must be aligned or something because this NEVER happens. It's weird. And I feel like cleaning or working on my paper. I'm quite inspired at the moment.

This is really freaky.

I've decided that my paper is going to be fiiiine. I've got peace of mind about it now. It's amazing what sleep will do for you. I love sleep. It's so wonderful.

I also love Mandarin Oranges. They're so yummy. This is a random thought, but it's kind of logical because I'm eating the leftover mandarins that couldn't fit on my fruit pizza.

And on that same note: I can't believe that this thing actually looks like it turned out. It's a miracle! It looks really yummy. Maybe there's hope for Krissy-the-notsotalented-Homemaker yet!

And good news just reigns for me today: I forgot to do a rewrite of my Case study for PR and I thought I'd be stuck with an 81% when I KNOW I could pull off an A for the paper. So I emailed my professor Wally last night and begged him for mercy. I was sucking up hardcore. But I figured that if any prof was going to let me turn it in late for full credit it WOULD be Wally cuz he's the main prof when it comes to PR--he's like a father-figure to all of my PR class. He's a really great guy.

So I emailed him, begging for mercy and he's gonna let me turn it in late!! Yay! I just have to run my first draft to his office today sometime. Yayayayayayayayay!!!!

Today's gonna be a good day. *grin*

I'm gonna go and be even more ambitious. Perhaps I'll read that 7th case for my Law paper. Hmmmm....

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Hero" by Chad Kroeger--this song always reminds me of Mike singing his heart out on the way up to the "staff cabin" in Crystal Falls. Awww memories!

Crush du Jour:Ben Affleck (Have you SEEN the cover of People this week?)

Happy Thought of the Moment:getting ready in 10 minutes flat, mandarin oranges, being tre productive, fruit pizza, cold Pepsi, my Stress Mix cd, full nights of sleep, motivation for my project, new-found hope for this stupid project, being nearly done with the project (sense a pattern?), SG, good poems, being granted mercy, flannel jammies, cuddly teddy bears, hotties that greet the dawn with you, Lilo and Stitch out in a week or so!!!

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