Break Break-Down...Or Not! [ November 26, 2002, 9:37 pm ]

*lalala* Ding dong the paper's dooooone!!! Eee! I finished it last night at like 11:00 pm. That had been my goal--to get it done before SNL came on Comedy Central. I did it! Me so proud!

The final product? 16 and a half pages loooong baby. Whoa! I'm kinda proud. That is most definitely the longest paper that I've ever written. For sure. Hehe

My group had to present to the class today. Half the class was in the group. It was kind of funny. There's like 25 kids in the class, 7 of us in my group, and only like 8 other people showed up. That was totally fine by me.

I think my group got gipped. The other groups had more an opinion legal paper thingy whereas ours was an actual case with lots of legal schtuff. Not fair. But I think we all did a pretty decent job of explaining the whole Napster situation and why you can't just steal other people's copyrighted stuff. At the very least I learned a whole lot about legal stuff--copyrights and fair use and trials and legal terms and stuff. This project was an excellent way of forcing students to learn. I don't know if that was the main point of the prof doing it, but that was mainly what I got out of that.

That and learning how to live at the library. 25 hours there in all people. 25 FREAKIN' hours at the library. Plus a lot more in my room going over the paper and reading cases and editing and stuff. Amazing.

I just hope I do fairly decent on this. I feel more confident than some people. I made sure that I summarized that cases in depth and defined all my terms (I had 2 pages of terms alone!), and that I sounded like I knew what I was talking about. Compared to a lot of the class I think I'm doing fine--when I left the library at quarter to 11 last night, two classmates were only on their second and fifth pages of their papers. Sucks to be them. And some papers were only like 7 or 8 pages. To me that's just mind-blowing cuz there's no way I could summarize 8 hugely long (and mucho boring) cases in only 8 pages.

Yeah I'm pretty sure that I did good. Say a prayer or something for me.

Mmm...John Rzeznik's new song from the Disney movie is on right now. He sounds sooo sexy. Mmmmmm. Yay--happy thought! *grin*

So then in Case Studies I got my final draft of my first case back. I got a freakin' 83% on it. I am so pissed at myself. I know that I'm capable of so much better than that.

It was all a downward spiral from there....

Let me tell you. Here's what was going through my head: ohmygod! This paper is going to bring down my GPA. If I don't get an A on the next assignment I won't get an A in the class so my GPA will go down. OHMYGOD! I'm gonna lose my job. I suck sooo bad. I am such a loser. Ohgodohgodohgod.

That coupled with the stress that's been pounding in my brain cuz of the law project for the past few days--it wasn't pretty. I couldn't concentrate in class. I kept thinking that I was the biggest loser and so not smart. It was bad.

Luckily we got out of class early. I was marching home, lost in my thoughts. I took the "warm way" through Jamrich and West Science--where you have to go down 2 flights of stairs., reigning Miss Graceful--I took a digger on the stairs. The only reason I didn't go flying down the entire flight of steps was because I had the sense to grab the railing and steady myself. There were only like 3 people in the commons area that may have witnessed my escapade, so it was all good.

But the thoughts were running through my head still so it wasn't even like I even cared. I just cared that I looked and felt like an even bigger loser.

Then I twisted my ankle walking between Halverson and Hunt. But that wasn't my fault because the sidewalks SUCKED ASS. K, we've gotten over a foot of snow dumped on us in the past like 24 hours and the fucking snow removal crews here at Northern SUCK. They barely plowed or de-iced or sanded or anything. So the sidewalk (or lack thereof) was all bumpy and uneven. And as I'm marching my foot slips and I twist my ankle.

That totally did it. I barely made it to my hall without losing it. I found my boss and had a breakdown in her office.

Can I just say that I have the bestest boss in the world? She's so wonderful. "Honey you're not a loser, you're doing a wonderful job and you're not going to lose your job. I'll fight for you to the end. You're staying put--don't even worry. I'll do whatever I need to do. You're an amazing woman."

That was sooo what I needed to hear.

I hate when I get into "I'm-a-total-loser" moods. It happens like once in a blue moon, but it hits hardcore. Today was that day. I think it was mostly the stress. I realize now that I'm gonna do fine--with my classes (I'm thinking I can pull off at least a 3.0, but I don't know about Dean's List--at this point I don't really care), with my fabu job and with life.

Thankyouthankyouthankyou, my fabulous and understanding boss!!!!


After the little breakdown Em and I went to "winter-ize" my car. Meaning that I got the rest of the new tires put on my car. You know how before I was complaining about it being like $96 for one tire? Yeah I was wrong. That was the price for TWO tires. And I had TWO new tires on my car already, not just one. So I only need to pay for TWO tires, not threeee! Yay yay yay! Happiness reigned in Mr. Tire. I almost jumped over the counter and hugged the tire dude. I came in thinkin' I was gonna be out $300 but I only had to pay $100 in all. Now Rexy has all new winter-ready tires, I have a huuuge piece of mind, and I have extra money for Christmas presents. Hurrah!

I just need to say how much I hate winter driving. IT SUCKS sooo bad. The roads in downtown Marquette were the worst that I've ever seen them--slushy and greasy and full of snow. It was horrific. Em and I went to Shopko (she got the new Tim McGraw cd, I got the new J.Lo and a fuzzy knitted scarf--*happiness*) and we needed to turn left to get back to campus. Honestly, seriously, it took us AT LEAST 10 minutes to turn left onto our road cuz of the ucky traffic and uggy weather. At least people were being cautious, but it was aggravating. I don't think that I've ever spouted off the F-word so many times. Thanks to Em for putting up with my Osbourne-worthy epics in the car! Mwah!

Oooh! Speaking of the Osbournes--the new season starts tonight! Hurrah!!! I'm mucho excited.

But first I must go take a looong hot steamy shower. I deserve after this hellish day. Hurrah!

Ciao dahling!

And if I don't update before Thursday: Happy Thanksgiving to all! Much love!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Don't Let Go Love" by En Vogue

Crush du Jour:John Rzeznik, Tim McGraw, Eminem, Alan Cumming, Jimmy Fallon, Sex God--yeah multiple crushes are good

Happy Thought of the Moment:warm sweaters, being done with the Law project (HURRAH!!!), funny novels, cheap tires, Rexy having winter-ready tires, going home tomorrow, warm hugs, understanding people, crying (a fabulous stress release), a clean room, empty sink, new season of the Osbournes, John Rzeznik's voice (mmmmm), seeing Alan Cumming on Conan last night, Justin's new video for "Cry me a River", long hot showers, warm fuzzy scarfs, snowball fights, snow forts, Rexy being unearthed (grrr), snow that dances in the air and doesn't pelt you, catching snowflakes on your tongue, cute shoes, being richer than I thought, talks with Mom, icy cold water, The Princess Diaries, Walmart runs, Lilo and Stitch out in less than a week (!!!!!!!!!), the thought of Thanksgiving dinner (yummmm), Mommy having a new car, talking to Pookie online

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