Pierced Grrrl [ April 03, 2003, 12:01 am ]

I've done it.




Ok ok, not it it.

But, yes.

I, Krissy, have joined the ranks of the punks, skanks, pop stars, trendoids and hipsters.

That's right, I've become one of them--the pierced people.


I finally did it. I pierced my nose today.

And now I'm kicking myself because it was sooo un-painful. I psyched myself out for HOW LONG about doing this because I was afraid of the pain? Umm...yeah. Let's do the math quickly.

I've wanted this for at least a year, more like a year and a half or so. And then when my boss suggested that we do it about a week and a half ago, my stomach knotted everytime I thought about it cuz I was in fear of needles. And today I discovered I have an acute fear of needles as I sat in computers and thought about me going through with it in less than two hours. I literally thought I would hurl or pee my pants or something equally disgusting as I thought about it.

And this is coming from one of the biggest wusses in the world, so you know it has to be true as I say this.

It didn't hurt. I'm not even joking. We went in there and the chick reassured me that it'd be quick and pretty painless. She was great. Her name is Monique. I'm highly recommending her to everyone now. She was sooo fabulous.

So I go into her piercing room and I was amazingly calm. Especially considering that an hour ago I was nearly worshipping the porcelain throne and quite ready to back down. I signed the release waver--that didn't even really freak me out. I was just like "lala--no, check, noooo." Then I hopped up in the chair and my boss held my hand as the piercer prepped me. She told me what she was gonna do and I informed her that I'd be closing my eyes from that point on as to keep myself from freaking out and vomitting profusely all over the place.

She was really professional. She kept a running conversation about guys with me, even though I was stuttering and trying to keep my mind off the fact that in mere seconds a needle would be slicing through the tender layers of my nose.

I felt like my nostril was being pinched kind of hard and it was uncomfortable for a split second.

And that was it.


I was like "whaaa?!? Don't you need to put the stud in or anything?"

My boss just laughed and Monique looked at me kind of funny. "Umm...it's already in."

"I'M DONE?!?" Yeah, I was done. The whole process literally took 5 minutes, that was it.

I kicked myself for being so afraid to go through with this. I thought I was going to feel immense pain, I was trying to conjure up images of intense pain to make my tiny piercing seem insignificant in comparison.

TOTALLY didn't need to do that.

In a way, I'm kind of disappointed. I was looking forward to showing my friends the new piercing and going "yes, yes, it really hurt, but I got through it and it's over and it looks good." I was gonna seem all brave about it. But I can't even do that now because it didn't hurt.

Not that I'm complaining. Given the choice I'm going with no pain over pain, obviously. Cuz I'm a wuss like that.

I just thought I'd get a good pain story. Or at least inspiration for my last poem.

Yeah--I have poems due tomorrow in creative writing. I've got 2 done, I need a third one. I don't even know if I should actually have these ones critiqued. One is about a former crush. It's a little personal. But to me that's what poetry is, it's personal, it's a glimpse of your soul. I just hope that the classmates aren't too too harsh. Gaah.

If only I could come up with an idea for a third poem.

It's gonna be interesting though, to see what the other people write about. I'm looking forward to that.

GOD--WHY did I agree to go tomorrow? I'm going with two highly creative people. I'm gonna diiiie.

Oh god oh god.

K, I need to go and jar my creativity.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Wishing I Was There" by Natalie Imbruglia

Crush du Jour: JC and Ewan McGregor

Happy Thought of the Moment: quality friend bonding time, new nose piercing, being brave, this invincable feeling, hearing from Hannah, South Park, Disney Channel, fun DVDs, good novels, loong nights of sleep, Spinner Radio, hilarious meetings, quotables, good mix cds, Empire Records, What a Girl Wants out this weekend, figuring out my printer, scrapbooking, dinner with friends, breakfast for dinner, non-Quad food, talking to Pookie, certain people being out of NAE eboard (hehehe--I'm evil and vindictive sometimes), fun pictures, my flamey cup

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