Afternoon Dismay [ April 02, 2003, 1:30 pm ]

Some people are so retarded. Honestly. Our group for PR was going just fiiine until Idiot Boy had to open his gigantic mouth (he also has smelly coffee breath so that's not so charming either) and say that our group sucks.

Well thank you for that, now our group has the mentality that we suck. And Idiot Boy's isn't helping at ALL. He barely talks at the meetings and when he does he just says how much we suck and how we could be sooo much better. What a baby. And he barely talks to any of us anymore. He leaves as quick as possible. God I really dispise that kid sometimes. GRRR

Why why WHY do there have to be mean-spirited stupid people in the world? Gaah.

The NAE debate/debacle continues. I decided last week that I wasn't going to run for co-chair...much to the dismay of Brett. So sorry, running buddy. =/ It's just for the best. I want to prove that I'm deeply committed to my job and my department because I adore both so much. I'm making a point here, dammit! I hope that this shows everyone just how committed and loyal I am. I can always run for chair next year.

So now Brett's saying he's not gonna run or he is but he's not gonna win. And now Bob is thinking he's running. And Erin still wants me to run. Gaaah. I'm just trying to do what's best for me. Who knew that this would set off some sort of seismic activity. It's JUST NAE people. And although it's a big part of my world, it's not a big part of any other world. This should not be such a rough rough thing. Gaah.

RA selection was yesterday. Staffs do not know who was chosen yet--we may not know until a week from now who was selected. I just wanna know dammit!! Is that too much to ask? Aparrently so. Manda thinks she figured out two of her staffers. Hehe--thanks hon. I highly doubt the male choice due to something kind of shady, but I'd be happy if it were still true. Hmm...I just wanna know who we got. Our boss isn't saying anything. I don't know if she's playing like we won't be so happy about who we got or if she really is unsure about the choice. Knowing her, she's playing...I hope.

Who knows. So much is screwed up right now. I'm so confused! Eeee! I'm a mix of emotions.

But I gotta run.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: silence in the TFA lounge

Crush du Jour: Ewan McGregor

Happy Thought of the Moment: warm weather (I can dream!), happy group members, easy assignments, kick ass poetry, cute hair day, touring the USOEC, fun mixes, Stitch, caffeine

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