oh mighty krispy goddess! please accept my humble pennance for my evil transgression against that which is the krispy k. [ November 07, 2002, 10:56 pm ]

I am a loser. It's like 11 pm and I'm so ready to just sleep. And it's a Thursday night to boot. Gaah! What is WRONG with me? :P

It's probably a good thing that I'm sleepy. Maybe I'll get more than like 6 hours of sleep tonight. Yeah...I could get like 12 hours and still have a whole day ahead of me. Sweeeet. K, it's definitely not a bad thing that I'm tired. I have been a little sick lately so I'm thinking I should try to combat that. Ugh.

Aight, so I swear that I heard Jonathan down the hall like 3.2 seconds ago. If he's in Hunt and he didn't even stop by my room to visit, I'm gonna have to hurt him the next time I see him. Grr--I always come to VA to visit him. *pouting now*

Not a whole lot has happened since I updated a whole 6 hours ago. (I have to be a loser--I update a lot more often than my friends. Dork dork dork.)

I got my Harry Potter tix!!! Eeeee! I think me and Em are just a little too excited about this whole thing. That's ok. The first movie was so fabulous and this one will be even better. Hehehehehe! So next Friday at 10:30 I'll be enjoying the new Harry movie. Yay yay yay yay

I got my mom a bday card tonight too. I'm a good daughter. Lalala. Me and Em had so much fun looking at cards in Shopko. I'm pretty sure that we scared away at least two or three other ladies who were in the card department. We kept finding these hilarious cards that are just way too perfect for either of us. It was pretty scary. It was hell attempting to find my mom a card--funny or mushy? Flowery or not? Corny poem or realistic sentiment? What the hell type of emotion should I go for? It was mucho confusing. There's way too many cards on the market today. I settled on a funny one. I know she likes to laugh.

The funny thing about me card shopping, though, is that I can never just get one card. I always end up getting cards for other people. Yup yup--a couple of special friends may just be receiving a happy card in a day or two. YOU may the lucky one! *grin*

I derive great joy from giving people a little piece of happiness. That is my life....or at least a part of my life.

K, so here's my entertainment for the moment: Em and I were hanging out a couple of hours ago. And she is mean. I made the mistake of letting her use my Photoshop disc so now she's all wallpaper happy. Especially with Harry Potter wallpapers and such--the usual happiness. But tonight, she decided to make ME a wallpaper of the well-endowed 12-year-old I was venting about earlier. NOT IMPRESSIVE Ha ha ha EM.

So now she's trying to win my favor again by sending me happy wallpapers. "oh mighty krispy goddess! please accept my humble pennance for my evil transgression against that which is the krispy k." (Direct email quote. =) ) And the one she just sent me of Ewan is absolutely GORGEOUS. (He is sooo beautiful. Thank you God for beautiful men like him...) And she also sent me happy shirtless Orlando Bloom goodness. Very nice penance if ya ask me. It's funny. We're talking on AIM right now. We are such dorks. But it's quite entertaining.

Oh--something I forgot to write about last night. Grrr. So I was on the phone with somebody at like 6:30 last night when I got a beep--off-campus. I still haven't figured out the whole click-over-flashy-system-on-campus-phone-system thingy yet, so I let my voicemail get it. They left a voicemail so I got it right away thinking it might be somebody from my group project or the Greg committee or something semi-important.

7 daaaaaays



I immediately called Em cuz it was a girl who said it. I reamed her out for 2 minutes straight once she answered. "What are you talking about? I didn't leave any message--that's just mean, Krispers."

Uhhh..who did then? I'm soo not impressed. Just when I forget about that scary movie, somebody goes and shakes me up.

Ha ha

It worked.

You win! Yay for you, ya dork.

I think it may be Pookie. If it is, I'm sooo getting you when you come down on Sunday for that scholarship competition. Beware!

So yeah....

In review: I'm dorky cuz I'm going to sleep soon, I'm not impressed with The Ring-types of phone calls and wallpapers that make me more aware of my small chest, wallpapers of hot guys will always buy penance for me, and card shopping derives way more fun and joy than it should for a college girl.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Back to Life" by Soul2Soul--old skool baby!

Crush du Jour:Ewan and Orlando, the wallpaper hotties! *mondogrin*

Happy Thought of the Moment:Coke, shopping, Justin's new cd, having Harry tix, 8 mile out tomorrow, plans with the girls, a clean room, happy instant messages, hot chocolate, cheeseburgers, gossiping, venting, fun chairs, flowers, AIM expressions, penance, getting lots of the project accomplished, non-scary voicemails, caffeine, pizza rolls, my makeshift coffee table, being in the know, longer Friends episode, Will and Grace, the Jenny From the Block video--such a cool concept, plus Ben is in it(!!), Kung Fu Hamster, fun greeting cards, bday invites, new friends, bonding experiences (which could really be anything for me), happy emails

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