Thought-Provoking-ness [ November 07, 2002, 11:35 pm ]

I lied--I'm gonna do yet another survey! Hurrah--aren't ya excited? I am, cuz this one is actually kinda thought-provoking. Thanks, once again to Adam for this! Much love hon!

If you were president for a day, you would....Create a bunch of laws for equal human right, attempt to end this whole war thing we have going on right now and command Sex God to go out with me. I'd also ride around in the presidential limo a lot and make John Mayer the official singer of the US. Then I'd appoint Colin Powell or Jennifer Granholm to take over for me. (K, I stole that part from Adam, but it's a really good idea.)

If you created your own video game, it would be called....Help the Goddess Snare a Sex God

If you could have an accent, you would pick....British!

Are you a platypus or a duck....I'm weird so I'm a platypus

If you could, what famous person would you meet....Hmm...probably Madonna cuz she's a huge inspiration...or else Christina Aguilera to tell her to get a different fucking stylist.

Micheal Jackson: too white or just right....I still don't get this whole thing. He's waay too white--he's even more pasty than me!

Do you know I'm staring at you right now?....Sure ya are! I know I'm hot!

What kind of candy bar would you be....Snickers--sweet, soft, and a little nutty

If you were a virus, what would be the name of the illness you cause....Foot-in-the-mouth disease

If you had to choose between a life with true love but very little money, or a life with a massive amount of money but no love, which would you choose?....AHH! That's a horrible question. Of course I'm picking love over money. I am probably not gonna make that much anyway. As long as I'm happy it's all good. And I don't really need money for happiness

Would you be able to go your entire life without ever having sex?....I think I could. I've gone this long...

Lefty or righty.... righty.

If you could have only one superpower, it would be....I really wanna be able to fly

Country you would most like to visit....I really want to tour Italy...or else England. But definitely Italy first

Piercings - yay or nay....depends where--ears, nose, eyebrow--yes, nipples, penis, clit--noooooo

Tattoos- yay or nay...I wanna tattoooooooooooooo!

If you could dye your hair any color and have it look good, what would it be....oh I've lived that dream--I always wanted Lola-Red, and I got it. Now it looks like firrrre

If you could own one piece of any artwork in the world, it would be....the original "Kiss at the Hotel De'Ville" by Robert Doisneau--absolutely gorgeous

If you could wake up in the morning and have one thing physically change what would it be? chest. Actually no, I really like me as I am--small chest, big hips and all. I love me! *grin*

Morning person or not?....God NOOO! Unless I go to sleep really really early the night before, but nooo not really

Favorite book....Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood or Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Favorite movie....Ultimately it's gonna be Moulin Rouge, but at the Moment it's Bring it On and Serendipity

Lifelong be happy...and hopefully work in the music industry, hopefully at MTV. To be surrounded always by the ones I love that love me. But mostly to be happy

I challenge all of you to do this survey. I think it's pretty decent--you can find out a lot about people from it, I think. And if you do, drop me a note so I can read what it says. I'd love to see what my friends and anybody who reads this have to say.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My Rockstar Fantasy To: an old SNL--Yay!

Crush du Jour: same as last entry + Chris Kattan

Happy Thought of the Moment same as last entry, plus Monty Python, quiet residents, Wayne's World, cold water, my comfy favorite jeans

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