Silliness [ November 07, 2002, 5:43 pm ]

Lalalala....I'm just chilling here. Not really a whole lot to do. It's the weekend for me. This. Is. Fabulous. And I don't have too much to do either, so I'm quite psyched about that. Hurrah

What DO I need to do? Lemme think.....HAC meeting Sunday, get SLFP presentation set in stone, finish Shopko-give-us-money essay, figure out bulletin board (at least one, if not both of them).

That's it really. Hurrah! And I'm gonna research too if I can. Sweeeeet. I have a light weekend. Lalalalaaa. Life is quite fabulous. *grin*

K, so I NEED to post this. It's from my sister's diary. I don't know how many people actually click on the links to my friends' sites, but I do frequently--cuz I like to see what's up in their lives. *grin* this just absolutely cracks me up. See what you think:

And to top it all off, after the game, when I was just standing around chatting with Quello and Jake, this cheerleader from the other school came up to me and asked to speak with me for a moment. I hesitantly agreed, and they pulled me aside.

She claimed that my squad had stolen cheers from them, and they wouldn't mind, if only we didn't have like the exact same movements as them. I'm like what the hell!? The only cheers we had the same as them were the ones that OUR COACH taugh us because she is FROM THAT SCHOOL and CHEERED ON THAT SQUAD and those cheers are SUPER OLD anyways.

But this girl claimed that her shitty squad from Colorado invented them and they put long hours into perfecting them and they didn't appreciate it. They take cheerleading very seriously at that school and they had improved so much over the past four years that they were invited to competitions where they had never gone before.

It was all lies, so I told them that maybe their problem was that they took cheerleading a LITTLE TOO SERIOUSLY. The other girl snapped then. She's like no! It's a sport, and it's our sport, and we put many long hours into it, and if you don't take it seriously, then you shouldn't be wearing that uniform.

I snapped right back saying that I WAS going to wear that uniform and I WAS going to WEAR IT WITH PRIDE becuase I am a cheerleader and I earned this uniform and I am not going to let them take it away from me. I proceeded to tell them it was just cheerleading and once again they snapped, arguing that I should just try telling those girls out there that it was just basketball.

I came back saying that basketball is so much different than cheerleading it isn't even funny. They should stop trying to take the glory away from the realy players, because that is what everyone was there for was the basketball players, and not us. And then I said that we just stand there and go RAH RAH RAH for THE BASKETBALL PLAYERS! For God's sake!

More power to ya, honey. I love you. If you know my sister you know she's as feisty and independent as well as big-mouthed. And she has less anger management then me...she can spout off and blow up in a moment's notice. If you like this and want to see what other kinds of interesting shit she has to say, just click on the "sistah" link.

It was so funny today. I'm getting ready for class. (10 am--ugh, ugh UGH!) So I glance in the mirror as I'm attempting to do something to the spikiness that is my hair. And you know what I thought when I looked at me? "Damn I look hot today!"

Not to sound like I'm bragging, but I did look pretty damn good, especially since I'd just rolled out of bed ten minutes before that.

And that got me wondering--what do others...particularily guys....see? The hottie I saw in the mirror, or the girl that I usually see--who's pretty cute, but not what I saw today. At any rate...yeah--today is quite a hottie day.

OK, GRR! Em just showed me a picture of Emma, that girl who plays Hermione in the Harry Potter movies. Me jealous. She's....matured. A lot. Dude--she has bigger boobs than me! And she's only 12. TWELVE YEARS OLD. ARrrgh! I'm 20 and barely a B-cup. She's 12 and is looks nearly C-cup status. There's something wrong here.

Grr grr grr

Aight, Em and I are gonna run and get our Harry Potter tix for next Friday. More later.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "It's not Right, But it's OK" by Whitney Houston (I will forever think of Jay the Diva when I hear this song. Fabulous daaahling)

Crush du Jour:Daniel Radcliffe and Sean Biggerstaff (Hehehe--Harry Potter hotties *grin*)

Happy Thought of the Moment: Hottie day for me, cute guys at dinner, silly conversations, being animated, people laughing at my jokes (this is a good thing--really), people needing my help, my committee being fabulous, fuzzy slippers, caffeine in the morning, Starbucks, 8 Mile out tomorrow (!!), Harry Potter out next week (EEEE!!!), soul-searching, good mix cds, figuring out solutions to drama, compliments, fun interviews, keys to projects

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