London Calling [ December 30, 2004, 3:42 pm ]

I need to stop. Breath. Because if I don't I may just have a heart attack. Or start humping everything in sight.

London is actually happening. Yes, this has been a given for a while now, since we have hotel reservations. But Ryan and I have been extensively talking lately about it. Saying what we want to do and see and eat and buy and do some more. Awesome.

Then today I bought the Frommer's Guide to London. Hooooly shit. Fastest book I've ever read. And now...If I don't get to London soon I will die. It's going to kick ass. So much.


I discovered that our hotel is near Hyde Park. And Notting Hill! And Picadilly Circus (I think. Which means close to the theater district and Leicaster Square. WOO!)! And Royal Alberts Hall! And Buckingham Palace! AND!!! PORTOBELLO ROAD!!!!

Dammit, I may have to hump something because of that fact alone. The song from Bedknobs and Broomsticks keeps runnin' through my head. Oh my lord. Words can't describe how pumped I am about this street. I'm going to have to research it further, but I am going. It'll be grand. Gaaah!

Because everything that Ryan and I want to do there (ie: London Tower, Madame Tussaud's, Eye of London...not to mention subway/cab fares and such) costs money, I must start saving. Now. Actually, like last month. Sigh. Oh well. The overage check will definitely help--it'll pay for the plane ticket and give me spending money, thankfully.

But, in order to save more money, I shall become Frugal KiKi. Yes, we've all heard this before. But I'm serious. I don't want to hold back in Britain because I'm a poor college student. Save! shall be my new motto. To help me, I've established a few guidelines:

* no eating out, unless it's a special occasion. No more late-night food runs or pizza deliveries. I'm sick of most Marquette restaurants anyway. Besides, I need to truly learn how to cook.

* no drinking. Bar drinks are mucho expensivo and I really do not need them. I'll still go out with friends, but I won't drink. I'll either pre-drink or be DD. (haaa--people better appreciate my car and show it by throwing in gas money every now and then. Gaah.) Who needs $10 martinis anyway?

* No unnecessary spending. Necessities include groceries, textbooks for classes, gas for Rexy and my stupid cell phone bill. (Ok and the credit card too. Ugh.) Things I do not need:
- more makeup (please--I have every eyeshadow color known to God already and twenty-two lip colors--I think I'm good for a while)
- cds (I have a ton already that I should probably start appreciating. If I really really want a new cd I'll steal it from a friend to get my fix. Thanks, friends!)
- clothes (have we seen my closet? It's bursting. This will test my fashion creativity. Challenges are good...I think.)
- shoes (Sigh. My loves, I must leave you alone. Even though there's this adorable pair at Payless that is sooooo cute.... Sigh.)
- scrapbooking stuff (This may be the hardest since I usually just get one or two small things at a time. But I have a shitload of stuff and don't. need. more. Again--exercise my creativity within boundaries.)

I have a feeling I'm gonna need help. So my friends, far and near: keep me in check. Slap me if I'm being whiny. Remind me of London fog and London dreams. Help me keep my eye on the March prize. Because we all know how compulsive I am. Ugh.

Even after that reality check I still want to hump everything. Weee!

Ciao, dahling!


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