My Day...and ZYX...... [ June 03, 2002, 8:36 pm ] the cheering entry was very depressing. I feel it was something I should talk about and get my feelings out about though. Cuz though I may be happy-cheery-ditzy like 99.99999999% of the time, I can also be serious or melancholy or depressing from time to time. Usually not, but if the mood strikes, I will express...cuz that is just me. *grin*

Oh it's on baby, it is on! The email war between Em and I is in full swing. Quite entertaining. I went to my angelfire account and there were like 10 emails from Em. She must've been boooooooooooored. It was humorous. So I fired back with about a dozen of my own. This is just too much fun!!!

Umm...Oh. I got my muffler fixed. Lancelot doesn't sound like a roaring beast anymore. HURRAY!!! I'm quite happy about that. It looks kinda funny. There's this shiny new muffler peeking out from under a dirt-laden car. I'm now broke. BUT I am quite happy that it's fixed. AND I did not get hit on by the old dude. He wasn't there today. I'm praising the gods about that one. Hurray!!

So lately I've been hooked on personal websites. They're so interesting. And amazing. I'm stunned by how good some of these people are at creating sites. The kicker? The majority of them are younger than me. Amazing. And most of the ones I've looked at are made by girls. They're pretty cool. My personal recommendation {}.

I found this at one of the sites. It's about her, but I making it about me, since I'm so damn narcissistic. hehehehe. Thank you to Tyler at {} for this. It's pretty kick ass. A great fabulous idea!

The ZYX's of Meee!!!

Z-Zany (Cuz I am. And this word is really fun to say)

Y-Youth (I'm in the middle of it...and enjoying every minute of it, baby!)

X-Xylophone (I can play it--really! I played percussion for my last 3 years of high school. I wasn't that good, but I CAN play it!)

W-Water (I enjoy swimming sooo much. I could live in the water)

V-Vivacious (It means full of life, enigmatic. Cuz I'm a goddess and all goddesses are this. And isn't it fun to say?)

U-Uplifting!!! (I like to make people smile and laugh--it's my goal in life.)

T-Tinkerbell (She's so fabulous. I identify with her and her girliness.)

S-Social Butterfly (That's meeee!)

R-Respectful (Everybody should be respected. No matter what. Especially me. Nuff said. I am no doormat. :) )

Q-Queen (How guys should treat women. How I'd LOVE to be treated. But I'll settle for being respected. Hehehehe)

P-Pastimes (They include hanging with friends, watching movies, self-exploration, and reading. Oh--and don't forget flirting!)

O-Out-spoken (I will ALWAYS say what is on my mind. Make no mistake about that.)

N-NSYNC!!! (My men, my true love. Cuz I'm such a dork like that.)

M-Musical (I think that my life should be a musical. Life in general should be a musical. Wouldn't that be so much fun?)

L-LOUD! (Yes yes. If you know me then you know this is true!)

K-Krissy or KiKi (My name--duh)(This could also stand for kinky if you go by the results of my Nicole Kidman quiz I took. Hehehehee)

J-Juvenile (I am such a child. I have a child-like spirit. Which means that I can act immature. Which is ok. As long as I'm having fun! Hehehehehe)

I-Interesting (Probably the best word you can use to describe me. Lol)

H-Happy, Hyper (I'm eternally happy, and I am quite the hyper girl!!)

G-Goddess, Girly, Giddy!!! (I am all these things and ohsomuch more)

F-Flirtatious (Yeah...I like the cute guys. What can I say?)

E-Excitable (Yes yes, I am that. Pretty much anything and everything can get me excited and happy. And I think that's a good thing. At least I'm positive!)

D-Dorky, Dizzy, Ditsy! (I love my inner dork, I embrace it. And I am SUCH a dizzy, ditzy person sometimes. It's a wonder that I don't get into more trouble than I already do sometimes...)

C-Chaotic (That's my life alright!)

B-Beautiful (I think I am. Others have told me I am. So yeah, this works--'specially since I can't think of another "B" word)

A-Acquired Taste (Christy's expression for me. I explained it in an earlier entry. It means you may not like me at first but if you get to know me you'll love me. Awww!)

So yeah. Narcissism ends now. I need to get going. Katy's getting antsy. She wants to go online. Waaah. Aight. I'll be nice. My room needs cleaning anyway. (What else is new?)

Ciao, dahling!


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