No Game Zone [ December 22, 2002, 6:47 pm ]

Aight, this is pissing me off. Grr! I finally figure out how to sign on and dial into the network from my laptop but does my AIM work? Noooo. It's being freakin' retarded. Grrr. That's the entire reason that I wanted to sign on tonight. I wanted to see if anyone was online to talk to! This is so stupid. Of course my computer has to be dumb. Grr grr grr.

Oh well--life goes on.

I got my grades in the mail yesterday. But they've been available online since Tuesday so I wasn't surprised when the mail came yesterday. I'm quite proud of myself: I got a B in Law. Yeah baby! Lala! My prof finally emailed me back on Monday (like almost a week after I had first emailed him...ok, more like 4 days, but still--it felt like forever!) and happily reported that I got a 90% on the paper. Sweeeeeeet. And an even bigger shocker was that I got an 85% on the exam. That blew me away cuz I sooo thought that I'd done shitty on it.

I must just be good.

(FYI: I FINALLY got on AIM!! Yayyayay!)

I ended up with a 3.22 GPA for the semester--just missing the Dean's List.

Which pisses me off in a way, but it doesn't, because I KNOW that I should be on it. The reason I'm not on it is because my poetry prof screwed me out of 20 points for attendance--I didn't have one unexcused absence and when I did miss twice I'd cleared it with her. So I should've gotten full credit. Did I though? Noooo--I only got 20 of the 50 points. I was at an 88% for Poetry. Those points were my ticket to the Dean's List and higher GPA. I emailed her, exposing the faux paus, but it remains to be seen if my grade is upped. At least I know how well I did. Yeah....

Honestly, I'm quite shocked that I did as well as I did. This was seriously the semester to slack and get my barings as the AP and figure out a bunch of stuff about myself, but that put my grades at the bottom of my priority list. The semester did kick ass though. And I did good in the end. I always KNEW that everything works out in the end.


But this next semester I'm going to make my classes a bigger priority. I don't need my grades to slip. Not now. Especially since this is my last PR class. That's the one that I must do good in. Otherwise what'd the point of my major? Whoooa--I just realized that this really is my last PR class. Damn. That's kinda scary. Ahhh! Total realization here. Scarinesssss......

I'll be fine. I know I will be.

Aight, enough freakin' out. Yeah.


I just finished reading the book "Dog-Catching." Very good book. Very interesting. The whole plot revolves around the idea that in order to land your dream guy you must play mind games and treat guys like dogs so that they'll be drooling while following you around.

I have a problem with this. It really made me think. I never liked the games that guys and girls played in the first place, but this book totally confirmed that opinion. Some people thrive on mind games, they totally eat it up, it's what keeps them going. I think that is sick. To some extent I can see fucking with someone's mind, but there is the factor of karma--it will come back and bite you hard in the ass. I promise.

I hate games. I LOATHE them. And every guy seems to be the master of playing them. Even the sweetest guys know how to fuck with a girl's mind. This book has totally reaffirmed that I will never play games again. Not that I've really ever played games, but I now know that I never really ever will. I may not come out and say that I like a guy, but I certainly won't fuck with his mind. Definitely. And I swear to GOD--I'll marry the first guy that doesn't play games with me. If he just comes out and says what he's feeling I'm his for life. *grin*

Yeah--so, guys: mind games, any games are BAD. Yes yes.

Aight, I've babbled long enough. I should get going. Mom is hollering at me to wrap presents. Aww the holidays. Gotta love them.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Jimi Thang" by DMB

Crush du Jour: Mmm....been thinkin' about SG quite a bit lately...also: Orlando Bloom, Tim McGraw, and Hugh Grant

Happy Thought of the Moment: scrapbooking (oooh--it's coming along fabulously!), seeing family,visiting, Chinese buffets, quality time with Mom, professional figure skating, loong naps, very happy dreams, cute movies, Orlando, my newly developed harem, quotable moments, twinkly Christmas lights, PRESENTS!!!, shiny wrapping paper, coloring, sweet friends, pop music, dancing, snowballs, happy online convos, cute little kids, playing the drums (!!), fuzzy blankets, Rupert ("he's not a bear! He's")

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