Sleep is a very good thing... [ April 28, 2002, 6:30 pm ]

I hate waking up. I really do. Especially when you know that you have shit to do. That is my dilemma for the afternoon. Or evening actually. I took a nap. Now I am being a complete oaf and don't feel like studying. At all. And I have a final at 10 am. I went to the study session though. does that count for anything? I don't think so since I learned NOTHING. The TA was leading it and she was all "you gotta know about this and what this is and what that is." She didn't give us any answers. It was crap! So I had to go through the study guide and look everything up on my own. Ugh. At least I learned some shit. Yay me.

I can't type right now. That's generally a bad bad sign. I think I'm still partially asleep. I need to wake up. AHHH. I considered doing an all-nighter. Nah. It ain't gonna happen. It's all good. The final tomorrow won't be too bad....I hope.

I'm gonna go and hunt down food and caffeine. That'll help me wake up. Yes yes. OOOHHHH--Ocean's 11 is FINALLY playing at Campus Cinema tonight. I'm way pumped. =) Grrr--less than a week left with a roommate. Can't wait. It'll be HEAVEN when I have my own room, you have no idea. No idea. Gotta go appease the roomie. Riiight. Ciao for now!


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