Morning Madness [ August 13, 2003, 7:38 am ]

I think this is probably the earliest entry I've ever made. But I figured that if I didn't update somebody would bonk me soon. I haven't fallen off the face of the planet! I've just been really really busy with Res-Life training.

It's going really well. I love my staff. I'm so surprised still at how well we get along. It's like we've known each other for ages. We feel free to be ourselves. It's awesome. It's empowering in a way really. When you're THAT comfortable you can make things happen quicker and give feedback more intimately. It's a really good thing.


I got the Lizzie movie yesterday. Talk about giddiness abounding for moi. Haha. I got it after training, but me and my girls (aka Em and Amanda) didn't end up watching it until 10:30ish due to meetings and schtuff. It's all good though.

The only little kink in my Lizzie happiness was a friend. Gaaah. Megan, I love you dear. I really do love her. But over-dramaticness isn't always the best route. All I'm saying is consider all factors. I feel bad that I didn't want to go and pick her up, but at the same time I had to consider that I wouldn't be bringing her home until after midnight. And I had to wake up really early this morning (like every other morning these past couple of weeks...), so it really wasn't even an option to have Miss Megan join us. I thought I'd explained it to her, but she morphed into Ice Queen and put up pitiful away messages. Yes, we can all get overdramatic and carried away, but really--should you do that and rub it in when you know that the receiving end of the hostile-ness feels bad? And if you do choose to morph into the Loathing-Life queen, do you really think that that's gonna make us love you anymore? It actually annoys ME even more. Which in turn means that I'll pull my own little Grumpy Goddess act on your ass. Not a lot of people have the chance to see my bitchy side (I try to only pull out those big guns when I'm really pissed...or I'm PMS-ing), but if by chance you do see it, believe it's not such a great thing.

Lesson in all of this: just be nice. Over-dramaticness is nice when telling stories or being drunk or whatever, but don't do it when you're trying to get sympathy.


(So sorry if I offend anyone. Wait--should I be? This is my diary, my venting spot to totally be real. Fuck that--no apologies.)

Fuck everything. Yeah.

That felt gooood to say. I do'nt know why. Maybe cuz I'm frustrated. Maybe it's my over-tiredness kickin' in. Maybe I just wanna be a bit of a badass today. Hehe.

Ok, I gotta go do a 5-minute makeover before going to training. At least I get to wear jeans today. Thank God for AP-only days with cool cool people. Lala.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Bringing on the Heartache" by Mariah Carey--I really adore this song. I think it's gonna be a staple on my next London-y Days mix

Crush du Jour: Sean W. Scott

Happy Thought of the Moment: fun weekend plans, inspiration, b-double-e-double-r-u-n (for you Mo!), friends moving back, Stitch, Lizzie DVD, almost done with training, good hair days, bowling, rafting, spider stories (but not the spiders themselves), bald eagles, all hail Miss Graceful, scar stories, hilarious staff pix, new license (!!!!!), insurance refund (can I get a hallelujah for them overcharging me!!!), room coming together, comfy couch, pink Target blanket for pimp chair

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