Hunt'd Again [ August 06, 2003, 5:26 pm ]

Awww,I'm back in Hunt. And how good it feels. I'm reveling in this wonderful feeling. Mmmm.

It felt so good to get back too. I was so completely massively stressed about moving back because darling Rexy (my car, people!) decided to be dumb and die on Friday night as I was taking Megan home. (I joke to her that she's bad luck to my car--everytime she rides in it something goes wrong. Hehe.) So I called up this garage on Friday night, nearly in tears and they told me they'd look at it. Luckily they easily diagnosed the problem and Rexy was as good as new by noon Saturday. Woohoo. My car rides WAY better than it did before. I'm so grateful. And I'm so completely happy that I didn't have to pay rent or anything this month cuz it cost around $200 to fix the coil/spark plug/springy/whatever problem.

So now I'm moved back in.

The #1 thing I discovered about moving back in: I have a LOT of shit. I'm still moving in. It's Wednesday. WEDNESDAY. 4 whole days after moving day and I'm still not settled in.

But my room looks kind of good so far...if you can ignore the half-empty boxes and the big space where my couch will eventually go (once I can convince the muscley studly boys on my staff to "assist" me in moving it back here). I got this pimped out purple velour faux-paupasan chair from Target. I love it to bits. It's pretty big. I'm still wondering how it's going to harmonize and fit with the couch. Hmm... But the posters are finally going up one by one. And would keep being erected if I could find my packaging tape. Grr.

But feels so good to be back. My boss literally ran out of her apartment (and almost ran into her screen door) to give me a huge hug. It feels so great to be back here laughing and joking and being all retarded with the staff.

And it's like we never left either. It's like we just had a weekend apart and we've just picked up where we left off. Which is what I'd hoped for. Faaaaabulous.

And I'm completely inspired to kick ass and be the best damn AP that NMU has ever seen this year. I'm gonna social butterfly it up like none other. And do amazing programs that will leave people in a daze. And have stunning bulletin boards that have people drooling. Yeah. I'm gonna kick some ass.

I rule.


Training actually hasn't been so bad yet. Yesterday during a panel discussion I got sooo bored, but that's been it so far. My staff knows how to spice things up and keep it interesting--at least at our own table.

Plus, I've gotten to see a lot of my friends from last year. So great. Hugging everyone and blabbing with everyone and running to the bathroom in hoardes (as girls do)--so great. I feel so at home.

And meeting new people. Yeah--gotta love that. Res-Life people are so great. We all know how much we love our jobs and lives and we embrace our dorkiness. Hehe.

(I realize just how dorky I sound. Oh well. I am a dork. I'm a Res-Life dork for life. Woohoooo!)

To be completely off the topic for a second: my jeans smell like chlorine water. I'm not impressed. Maybe if I had let them dry all the way before I packed them up, they wouldn't smell so icky. Hmm.

I'm gonna regret saying anything at the moment, but I'm a little pumped, so whatever. I think I may have met someone. I mean...more than likely it won't amount to anything because nothing ever happens with me. (And I'm ok with that. My life is still quite fabby. *grin*) But yeah....he's cool. Not exactly the dreamboat type, but I had a great convo with him yesterday. And I caught him sneaking peeks at me today (as I was doing the same to him--hehe). You know how when your eyes meet with certain people and you just feel a jolt? That feeling you get all the way down to the pit of your stomach and shivers run up and down your spine and arms. That's IT. That's how it was today. And that hasn't happened in a looong time. I just feel all giddy around him. Hmm. Its a total throwback to the days of middle school crush.

And I'm probably just imagining it and nothing will probably happen and I'll probably end up regretting saying anything. But that jolt was so exilerating......


Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "What Dreams are Made of" by Hilary Duff--WOOHOOO! Lizzie movie out on DVD in 6 days!!!!

Crush du Jour: Umm...none really--wait--maybe Jolt boy....maybe...

Happy Thought of the Moment: shivers, seeing lots of old friends, making new friends, fun staff bonding, Lower Harbor (while eating Subway in your car while listening to tunes and the waves in the background, Dave! :P), scrapbooking, dancing, Lizzie soundtrack, Target runs, new clock, bamboo tree, fun door decs, Wendy's runs, more money than expected in checking account, rafting with staff this weekend, Hakuna Matata, Dr. Pepper, Kit Kat balls, floppy zebra, new pimped out chair, music videos in the morning, sleeping in this morning, bonding, being back in Hunt, figuring out Audix

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