Morning Fwaah-age [ December 10, 2004, 9:59 am ]

Oh man. I just saw the worst music video ever. Really, it was bad. It was some R&B singer dancing in this really brightly painted room to some chick. Then they start dancing together to his really bad song. It can be assumed that they "holla at each other" and "hook up." Ugh. It was really bad.

My brain cannot comprehend this type of crap before noon. And I would like to note the time--I was awake before freakin' 10 AM on a morning off. And why? Appleton, baby. In an hour, Chrissy and I shall embark to the land of good shopping and kick ass clubs to shop and, um, club. And also eat fondue and do more shopping and probably partake of the coconut rum (if tradition is preserved). Escapes from the UP are good. Who knows...maybe I'll even get hit on by some rich guy again....

An escape is needed. I'm freakin' about my geography final, the weather here is mind-boggling (now it's raining. Raining!), emotions are running rampant and people are just being closed-minded fucktards. To see an example of this, read my latest LJ entry. I officially hate people.

Fwaaaaah. John Mayer's new video just came on! Hells yeah. While it looks like it's shot in 70s porno-vision, I enjoy him so. Fwaaaah. For the record, he's another one I'd rape in a heartbeat.

And while it seems weird to rant while drooling over John singing "daughters" I feel the need to address a pressing issue. My skin. Lately it seems to be completely revolting against me. I have, like, too many zits to count. I don't know why. Maybe it's my lack of nutrition completely--I honestly haven't had time to eat a balanced meal in since coming back from Thanksgiving break. Maybe it's stress--fucking dirt class!!! Who knows. I am not impressed. Skin, clear up. I have too many holiday and graduationy celebrations to look like I'm 14. Gaaah!

Ciao, dahling!


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