Appleton Allusions [ December 11, 2004, 4:58 pm ]

Discoveries made in the past 26 hours, because of another Chrissy/Krissy Appleton Adventure:

1.) holiday shopping is only fun if you're buying yourself lots and lots of presents. Like we were.

2.) being drunk makes you ever-so-much more friendly to people you'd never even think of talking to if you were sober.

3.) you may meet some really cool people and make new friends if you've discovered #2.

4.) drinking lots and lots of Bacardi CoCo helps to make a dancing queen like moi flexible. Trampily flexible. Fabulously flexible.

5.) taking tylenol after a night of drinking will make a dancing queen like moi not feel all achy-like after making like a Moulin Rouge dancer.

6.) foreign guys are hot. Even if they are in Wisconsin for some reason or another. (Dance, Chrissy, dance!)

7.) there are some odd odd couples in the Fox Valley area. Seriously. Why else would two single girls get quasi-propositioned by married couples? Gaaah!

8.) 80s music still rules. Still. And always will.

9.) fondue is my new favorite food ever. Even if it's pricey, it is yummy and more yummy. I'm still full from dinner last night.

10.) krispy kremes are also high on the fave foods list now. Especially when they give free samples to hungry hung-over girls. (Sidebar: I have some at home right now. If you want one, message me and come visit. I'm such a good friend.)

Ciao, dahling!


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