Morning Randomness [ June 20, 2002, 11:13 am ]

I hate being woken up by the phone. It totally just jars your sleep pattern and sucks the sleepiness right out of you. The phone was ringing off the hook this morning. For Mom of course. Grandma's not doing so well apparently. She's not with it mentally and she can't swallow, so Mom and Auntie Helen have to take her to the E.R. Not good. Hope everything turns out all right.....

Ugh. I have to go to work soon. Not looking forward to that. It's so nice having 3 days off, but that's completely over so now I get to slave away for the entire weekend. Waaaah! But--on the bright side--at least I get money, so that is fabulous!

In other news: Pookie told her guy how she feels, which means that she's further along than I am. Which leaves me freaking out. I'm gonna lose! Nooooo! Not impressive. Actually, I've been kinda questioning my feelings lately. If I really truly like him. Or am I just wondering that cuz I'm being chicken and am looking for the loophole so that I don't have to tell him? Hmmm...I WILL TELL HIM. Cuz you never know. There is a chance (a big chance, hopefully) that the feelings are mutual, but how will I ever know if I don't make the first move (cuz Lord knows he's to shy or thickheaded to do it himself--and I say that out of love and adoration of course!). Yes, I will tell him. And if it doesn't work out, then it wasn't meant to be. I am just so sick and tired of wondering what if, wondering why, and not doing things for myself. So that will change. Starting now. I am Miss Independent!!!

I got an unexpected phone call from the fabulous Joe last night. Completely made my night. It was nice to hear from him. He almost made me cry with his sentimental "I-love-you-so-much-I-miss-you-so-much" message. Waaaah! I'd move the earth if I could give him a hug right now. I miss him sooo much. He's hoping to come up here next month, so here's hoping!

:::::What's Inspiring Me Right Now::::

~Frothy strawberry smoothies: I made a really gooood one for breakfast. Yum yum yummyyyy!

~Linkin Park: Moshing in the morning is so fun!

~Unexpected phone calls from good friends: see above

~Being brave: see above again

~Going to the Beach: it's gonna happen this weekend! (I hope)

~My orange sarong: cuz it doubles as a blanket during muggy, steamy summer nights

~Good hair days: after 3 days of looking cruddy my hair decided to be nice to me today--and I have to work. =/

~Scooby-Doo: Again. Cuz Pookie and I went and saw it last night. Fun times

~Time spent with Mom: cuz time together is totally rare.

~A clean room: it's clean it's clean it's clean!!!!!!

~Yummy scented candles

~Rob Thomas: A Matchbox 20 song just came on the radio--he is just liquid sex.

~People Magazine's 50 Most Eligible Bachelor's Issue: Ladies, go and buy this magazine--NOW. You will NOT regret it. There are some gorgeous pix in there. (And kudos to people for putting Chris from the Real World Chicago in there. That just made me respect them 10 million times more.)

~Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: More than halfway done with it in less than 4 hours!! I begrudgingly put it down to go to sleep last night. I'm gonna finish it today and start on the Goblet of Fire!!!

~Jimmy Fallon: Mmmmmm--just a hottie happy thought

~Getting new glasses: so I don't have to look like such a dork in my old ones. Yippeee!

~Liquid Eyeliner: I'm a goddess, I've finally figured this out without looking like a freaky goth girl. Go me!!

~Lilo and Stitch: Cuz I'm sooo psyched about this opening tomorrow! Eeee! Stitch is just too too cute!

~Sugar Ray: Woke up to them. What a happy thing to wake up to! (As opposed to the phone ringing a gabillion times. :p)

K, I need to go and get ready for work. Blah! Ciao, dahling!


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