Bug Bites, Tattoos, and a Happy List [ June 18, 2002, 11:04 pm ]

Lalalaaaaaa! Had a heart-to-heart with Mommy tonight. The topic? Tattoos. Yup yup yup. I finally addressed the taboo topic. Heheheheheee! I explained to her what I wanted to get (the Chinese symbol for "star") and why I wanted to get it (I explained that earlier. Like a week ago. Go find that cuz I am NOT gonna try to explain it again.). She actually heard me out. And she told me that the reason that she's leary of me getting one is because of infections and dangers of getting them. Which is sweet, cuz she is so protective of me. I told her that if you get one with the proper artist and take care of it then it is perfectly safe. So now she's considering it. Yay!!!!!

In other news: the UP SUCKS ASS. It is freakin' bug heaven. I went to cut the grass today. OHMIGOD!!! My legs have been feasted on by black flies and no-see-ums. I have a welt on my leg the size of my calf. Seriously. It sucks. The bits don't hurt but they're ugly as sin. GRRR. No shorts or skirts for KiKi for a few days.

::::My Happy List For Today::::

~Friends: cuz they never fail to make me smile

~Katy's and My Bet: Cuz I WILL WIN

~Root Beer: mmmmmm

~The Possibility of Getting a Tattoo: Cuz it looks like it actually will happen. Miracle of miracles!!!

~Cruising With the Windows Down: sooo fun

~Mom's Coconut-Chocolate Bars: double mmmmmmmm

~Chinese Food: Fam's going out for it tomorrow. Yum yum yum!

~The Princess Diaries Books: I am Mia ('cept I'm not a princess.....yet!)

~Midol: need I say more?

~Everybody Love Raymond: I want grandparents like Frank and Marie!

~Bella: cuz my doggy's just so damn cute

~The Fact that Hebert J's Still Alive!!!

~The Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets trailer: I was waaay too geeked to see it before "Scooby Doo"

~Mashed potatoes

~Bath & Body Works Cucumber and Melon scented stuff: soooo yummy smelling

~Not having to work until noon on Thurday--YAY!!!

~Sleeping In

~Puffy clouds

~The Fact That Heather Comes Home from Australia on Friday!!!!

~The promise (and hope) of Hannah living in Hunt with me this fall

~The Mole: This show is soooo addicting! And Bribs is really hot too!

~Not Being Broke!

~A Simple Plan: they're cuties and I enjoy their cd. Plus they're quite sweet in real life too. =)

~WWF: Hannah's taping some episodes for me and sending me the tape. yay!

~MAVEN!!! (Yummy yummy yummy)

~Megan: she's a dork and I love her for that. :p

~Getting mail: especially magazines!!

~Cute, tan guys: they're EVERYWHERE

K, I should get off the 'net. I've been on for quite a while. Ciao, dahling!


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