Monday Massochism [ April 21, 2003, 2:05 pm ]

So I'm massochistic. And shallow. So sue me I put my pic on I did it like 18 hours ago. I was up to almost a 9, then I changed my pic and I went down to a 6. Umm...mmk. Whatever. I don't really care. I just wanted to see what the hell it was like. One of those life experiences that I just needed to do. Cuz I'm just a dork like that. I'm thinking I'm gonna just remove my pic altogether. It was fun for the whole 18 hours I had it up there. It's not like I need validation--I'm not that shallow. I think I'm cute. I turn heads.....sometimes.


I'm gonna shut up about it now.

Blah blah, I'm in CIS right now. Yay for PowerPoint. At least I know what the hell I'm doing. Gaah! I just got behind. Mmmm...K, now I'm good. Lala--I love how slow Heaton goes. It means I can kind of zone out for a bit and just chill. What a happy class this is! *glee*

So I have this problem. I keep touching my nose stud. I know I know! I should NOT touch it, that's how infections start. I totally jammed the stud on Saturday night. I rolled over, woke up and touched the stud to make sure it was still there--I think I had had a dream about it or something. So when I touched it it wasn't such a light touch. I thought I was going to give myself a nose bleed. NOT cool. Plus the stud has now produced some sort of nasty booger thingy twice. Sorry, it's gross, but it's true. Em actually had the honor of seeing one on Friday. Yeah--it's charming. One uggy one Friday and another this morning. I'm thinking that if I didn't play with my stud so much it wouldn't be producing such crud. Gaah. No more touching my nose or playing with the stud. It's not cool, it's gross. NO MORE.

There, affirmation is a good way of learning. I'm like a puppy like that. Hehe.

God, I'm a dork! :p

"do no do page 72." Hehe that rhymes. Yup, I'm officially a DORK. Aight, I should really pay attention. We're gonna get technical soon. Oooh.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Heaton talking about merging and some annoying student continuously flipping though the massive book. GRR--shut uuuup!

Crush du Jour: I got nothin'

Happy Thought of the Moment: lookin' cute, drizzle not snow, my black boots, girly night Thursday, sleep, boxers, CC concert tshirt, being more done with homework than I thought, Easter presents, talking to mom, 10 Commandments (the movie), Togos, naps, hugs, cute pix

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