Mission: Get-the-Player Commences... [ November 29, 2002, 7:51 pm ]

Soooo here's how my day went:

0500 hours: Mom wakes me up. I'm highly disoriented and confused, not having a CLUE about where I am. After a few minutes I realize that I'm HOME and that I'm awake at this ungodly hour to go shopping. Cuz Em and I have such fabulous traditions. :P

0530 hours: actually am dressed and ready to greet the dawn...miracle of miracles!

0540 hours: Em and her fabulous (if not-so-very-humorous) sisters pick me up and we groggily drive up to WalMart.

0600 hours: Arrive at Wal-Mart parking lot to mass mayhem with a huuuuge line of people waiting to pour in for the fabulous savings. (Little note: I did not know that the Houghton WalMart is now open 24/7. Now I don't feel so special in Marquette anymore.)

0605 hours: Have a one-track mind--zoned in on getting the DVD/VCR player and only the DVD/VCR player. All I wanted, all I thought of. Em and I get momentarily separated by scary out-of-the-woodwork Yoopers. And they were quite scary and un-couth. You'll never see quite the bunch of people like cranky, stingy, tired Yoopers--it's NOT a pretty site.

0606 hours: spot the scary neandethals stockpiling half a dozen of the holy grails at a time and nearly panic. My honing senses kick in--go me!!--and I spot the object of intent. I grab Em and we lunge at the huge pile. Victory is ours! Hurrah! Go us!

0610 hours: Get through the check-out line without having to fight the rush. We're in and out of the store in 10 minutes flat, despite me almost being run over by rude obnoxious and self-involved stupid people. (These are the times when I want to just crawl into a cave and cry because you realize just how bad some people are. A person almost ran over me, then glared at me like it was my fault. Yeah--pardon me while I attempt to LIVE as you go speeding at 30 MPH down the friggen' toy aisle to get the last Spider-Man action figure. WHATEVER. GRRR!)

0615 hours: Arrive at Shopko and barely get a parking spot. If WalMart was bad, then Shopko was Chaos on Crack, hands down. Surprisingly we all got the cute little teddy bears that they were giving away. Sweet!

0630 hours: we've found all that we need in the store, but then we have to brave the scary lines. Here's what I got: a pair of jeans (since my favorite ones decided to rip yesteday), a Tim book for Em for X-Mas, something to go in Princess Pickle's gift, a DVD set (duuuude that was expensive--Pookie now owes me money--Yay!)...uhh, I think that's it. Yeah. We waited in line for nearly 45 minutes. It was brutal. Some random guy bit my head off because I was trying to evaluate the situation and he nearly gave himself a heart-attack thinking that I was stealing his precious freakin' spot in line. Whatever. We got in Pookie's line though, so we go-oot a diiiiscouuuuunt. Lalalala. That was fabby. *grin*

0730 hours: foooood at Perkins. Yay. Ham and cheese omelets are the best! Yay! And Jodi and Em--Cherry Coke constitutes a fabulous breakfast beverage. It's MY coffee so there1 :-p

0830 hours: JCPenney--where Sara decides she wants to buy the most truly heinous pair of boots ever manufactured. They were bad in my opinion. First off--they were RED. Red leather, folks. Icky! And they had fur on the cuffs and really odd stitching and UGLY. U-G-L-Y. BUT it was her money and she really liked them so we urged her to buy them. She hemmed and hawed for like 20 minutes. In the end she decided to hold off until a better sale. Grrr. On the bright side I found some sweet Sketcher boots. Hurrah. Only problem? Yeah--no money, honey. I even called Mom to beg her. I begged the machine. Technology is so grand.

0915 hours: Back in bed. Slept until 1430 hours--that's 2:30, people. Yay!

THAT was my morning. I had a rough night last night. All I dreamed about was that one special guy. And I am not saying his name--y'all know who I'm talkin' about. Yeah....then my little 6-hour nap? More dreams about him. Huh--I'm thinking that this is more than just a little crush. *grin* That's ok. It's fun and I have hope. I'm happy and that's all that matters.

Mom and I went back to town later on to shop a bit. I'm happy to announce that I'm the proud owner of the Sketcher boots. Yay! I'm also a lot more broke. I found a lot of presents for people. Which is good--it gives me peace of mind. I LOVE shopping for people. Giving gifts is my forte--or one of them at least. It's awesome. I love making people happy. I still have a lot to do and I have a lot of people to think of gifts for, but I don't care. I LOVE the holidays!

The highlight of the trip? I got to buy a present for an elderly shut-in person. I was gonna avoid the table because I have such a bleeding heart and I feel way to bad for these people. They ask for so little and you know that that's all their gonna get because they don't have any loved ones. It's really tragic and I can't stand that thought. It's sooo sad.

But Mom and I looked at the table and I noticed that this 90-year-old woman wanted lotion and perfume. I HAD to fulfill that wish of hers. So I ran to Bath and Body works and got her body spray and body lotion--in a really yummy scent. I felt so good. And the lady manning the table was so appreciative. She kept thanking me. It was really warming. Go me--I did a good deed! *warm-fuzzy-feeling*

Oh I gotta say this really quick--I saw the most "beloved" person today. Riiiight. I saw my old cheerleading coach--you know, the one who made my first couple of years of high school not-so-fabulous? Yeah. She gave me the hugest hug. Apparrently she doesn't hate me anymore. It was wierd. She looked really happy to see me. And she loves my hair. But whatever. It was kinda nice. I mean--I forgave her a long time ago cuz she helped make me who I am today, so whatever. It was just slightly bizarre to see her. Huh...

I'm gonna jet. I must eat something. Plus the Muppet special's on TV. Yay!

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Sparkle" by RubyHorse

Crush du Jour: Take a wild guess....:P

Happy Thought of the Moment:Making mom happy, present shopping, Disney Days calendar (I'm getting one for Christmas--YAY!!!), leftovers, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (Oh dear lord, I saw it for the first time today and haven't laughed that hard in a LOOONG time), playing with Bella, my new boots, good weather, pretty snowflakes, baby carrots, homemade soup tomorrow, Lilo and Stitch out in 4 days (!!!), Muppets, Christmas movies, gettin' our tree up, twinkly lights, lots of sleep, fabulous dreams, fuzzy blankets

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