All Hail Miss Graceful [ November 20, 2002, 1:18 am ]

So crown me Miss Graceful of NMU. Really. Hand over the sash and tierra and roses. I soooo deserve the title after tonight's little escapade.


After the hall government meeting tonight Adam decided to go to McDonalds. So I was all "ooohh, that sounds good" so Jessica and I decided to go with him.

As we're going outside I see two girls from Coral Reef standing outside shivering cuz they were smoking. I'm all "why are you shivering? It's soooo gorgeous outside!! Wheee!!!"

Seriously--THAT'S what I act like on a daily basis. I am a dork. Believe me.

So I'm going on and on about how gorgeous this night was. Because it sooo was. It was at least 40 degrees at night, in the middle of November, in BFE Marquette.

I'm totally praising the fall gods for staying for a little longer. It was sooo gorgeous tonight. And as I am going on and on and twirling around and being completely hyper....

My foot gets stuck in some softened mud. Owww! My left ankle twists and contorts into an angle that isn't feasible for a human ankle to suffice to and I tumble to the ground.

Paaaaaaain!! Ooh the paaaaain!


Take a moment to commemorate my pain. Cuz it hurt like a MOFO.


The funny thing is that I realized just how funny this whole scenario looked RIGHT AFTER I landed. I was writhing in pain and attempting to get up and not cry, but I was laughing hysterically at the same time.

It must've looked sooo damn funny. The Coral Reef girls were dying laughing, but were all "ohmygod! Are you ok?" It was really funny.

So I'm like doubled over in pain, laughter, and non-tears. It was quite the situation.

Yup, that's me. I am the Queen of Gracefulness.

All hail KiKi--Miss Graceful of NMU!!! Hehehe

The really really sad part? As my face is heading towards the ground, all I can think is "ohmygod! I'm gonna ruin the event for tomorrow!!!" nose could get broken or I could break an ankle and I'm concerned about how this is going to affect Greg Proops coming tomorrow?

This event hasn't consumed me at all lately now has it? Hehehe

I'm really excited. It just hit me today. Wow--it's tomorrow. I get to speak in front of 900 people. AHHH!! Freak out!!!

It's gonna be fabulous! I know it will be. Wish me luck!!!

I must go now. Miss Graceful needs to rest--due to her injuries and the big day tomorrow!!

Ciao, dahling!!!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Bob--he's having a little crisis and I'm playing therapist/good sympathetic friend

Crush du Jour: SG

Happy Thought of the Moment: tye-dying, cute towels, graceful moments, McDonalds--late-night, funny residents, sweet cars, researching, being insightful, smart and intellectual moments, good friends, naps, SG, Jones Soda, funny away messages, seeing Miss Dinkel, girly-talks, fiiine guys, not being sick, beautiful fall days, perfecting eyeliner, John Mayer, being genuine, no Case Studies today (!!), Greg Proops today (eeee!), happy messages while I'm away

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