The Big Event!!! [ November 21, 2002, 1:09 pm ]

Wow. I can finally breathe. (For a bit at least...until I begin to think about my stupid Law project.) It's all over folks. All done. And I did a kick ass job if I do say so myself.

The Greg Proops event was last night. I didn't realize how stressed I was about it until I woke up yesterday. It was quite the whirlwind day. Let me elaborate:

Clayton and I went to get the car at 12:30. Before that I did 2 staff interviews as the hunt for the perfect RA continued. So I was up at 8:30ish to greet the dawn. Not impressive.

So we get the car and he's driving up there. Nobody can ever say again that females are worse drivers than men, because that is FUCKING WRONG. Clayton nearly got us killed not once, but TWICE. Thank you dear. The first time it was cuz he ran through the blinky stop light. "It was a blinking light!" That was his excuse. That doesn't mean that you don't stop! Gaaah! Luckily the other drivers were paying attention.

The other time was like a minute later. I'd just recovered from that damn incident when the two lanes merged. And Clayton being the dingbat he is, didn't see the HUUUUUGE semi that was attempting to merge into our lane. Yeah....I could've been freakin' road kill if the semi had side-swiped us. My nerves were shot after that.

Then we get to the airport and thankfully his flight was going to be on-time. But the waiting was a killer. We were both thinking is he nice? Polite? Funny? Snobby? We had no idea what to expect. We were kind of nervous about meeting him.

Luckily, he was extremely nice and grateful. And really really tired. He almost fell asleep standing up while waiting for his luggage. And I'm thinking that he snoozed on the ride to the hotel. Poor guy. So we dropped him off for a few hours so that he could rest.

Then we had a little break. And I was all "ooh yay! I can take a nap and chill out." Yeah right.

I walk into my boss' apartment and all but one RA was in there. And they looked sooo excited to see me. I felt really loved. Then I figured out that it was because we wanted to discuss RA candidates and who we wanted for the job. Impromptu meeting time.


The meeting lasted an hour and a half. Of my precious two hour break-time. It was an important meeting, but I felt like ramming my head against the wall. There are 2 excellent candidates. And the staff is all dead-locked about who to get. And the problem with me is that these are the 2 candidates that I didn't get to interview, so I had really no basis to go on when it came down to it. I had to go on what other people were saying. Not so cool.

(I need to say this though. I got to meet one of the two wonderful candidates. WOOOOOW!! He is a HOTTTTIE!!! I shook his hand and was like "abe-thaaa" *drool* He looked like a cross between Mark McGrath and an Abercrombie model. Sooo fiiine. Mmmmmm)

And the meeting lasted forever it seemed. All of us were sticking by our decisions and ultimately it's up to my boss to decide, but it was rough. I felt like we were beating a dead horse. And I was NOT in the mood to be discussing this thing. I had other things on my mind. Like--oh, the big event that was only hours away.

So we finally get out of the meeting and I had less than half an hour to chill. *tear* Then it was back up to the UC to tie up some loose ends and meet the other NAE members there. I love that group. They are all so helpful and committed. I seriously couldn't have gotten through this without them.

And my committee for this thing? Woooow. They were seriously the best. I can't thank them enough. All I did was delegate--they got the shit done. They were efficient, prompt, and so much fun to work with. I wish that all the committees that I've ever been on were like that. I'm just really glad that they had my back and that I can depend on them. And I must say that Clayton was a kick-ass co-chair. He came in with no idea what he was doing and now he has so much more experience and knowledge.

This was really an empowering experience.

Alright, that'e enough HallMarky type of stuff for right now. Back to the moment at hand.

So everything was in order. And I felt sick to my stomach because I had to introduce Greg--with Clayton, cuz we're each other's support in this thing, but still! We were both like "just get through the intro and we'll be fine....."

We went and got Greg from the hotel. After sleeping, he was much more social, thank God. He's really a friendly guy. Really easy to talk to, polite. I'm so happy about that, because I was seriously afraid that he was going to be all snobbish. It's nice to see that some famous people don't have enormous egos.

I had to sneak him into the UC. I didn't have to throw a blanket over his head or anything, but we had to figure out how to get him in without people bothering him. It wasn't too bad, but I felt ohso important.

I got to be his assistant for the night. I was always jealous when Melina and Bob did it, so the fact that it was me and Clayton doing it was so great. And he treated us like equals, like he respected us when we were around too. That was just the best feeling in the world.

Gotta be honest here: I was worried about the show. Not about Greg but about the opening act. NMU has an improv group On the Spot. And I have friends in the groups. And NAE allowed them to open for Greg, but some people in it were thinking that maybe it wasn't such a good idea because they didn't think they were so funny. I, personally, think that they can be hilarious. Some of their stuff makes me go "what the fuck?" but a lot of it really is funny. At least to me. I thought it was a good idea.

But then OtS began thinking that they were going to perform with Greg. Which wasn't completely true. So there was drama (long story really really short) but it got all cleared up. And everything ended up working out fabulously for the improv-ers because it turns out the Greg DID want to work with them--because improv is really his forte.

It was really cool because they got to go into his dressing room and discuss what they wanted to do and I could tell that this totally made their night. They looked like they were in their glory just talking with him. That made me happy. Because I really do think they're talented and deserve a shot. (I was attempting to play peacemaker between them and NAE throughout this whole ordeal. I hate it when people aren't happy and I can't fix it. Not that there was really anything to to speak. Anyways...)

And their opening the show was funny. Adam--you do a kick-ass George W. And the crowd thought it was great too. So yay for them!

And Clayton's and my intro went well. It was short. That's how we wanted it. Cuz I think the crowd was getting antsy so we were just like "here he is!!" and got off the stage.

Oh the best part of this whole thing: WE SOLD OUT!!!!! 900 seats SOLD. Yessss! I was sooo psyched about that. There were people begging us to let them in to just stand and watch. It was great. I am beyond happy that the event was successful.

(I'm gonna get all serious for a minute, bare with me.) I think that with this I needed to prove a point. Because NOBODY thought that I could do it. Whenever I told anybody that I was chairing the committee they were like "you think you can handle it?" Like they maybe thought I couldn't pull this off. My MOM even thought it. I think 3 people believed in me from the beginning: me, my friend Jon, and my boss. That's it. So when things got rolling and this happened last night, it was like proof that I can do anything. (Yes, a lot of it is because of the committee--cuz they are beyond fabulous!) I am invincible. I can do anything. I proved it to the world last night.

And THAT is the best feeling in the world.

The performance went well--he did half stand-up and half improv. You can tell he's really into improv. His stand-up was funny, but I think he may have offended some people. I thought it was funny, but I don't think that that's really saying a whole lot. But the improv with On the Spot was great. He really shined in that.

And I got to go on sta-aaage! Lala! It's so funny. You know you know a lot of people when you step on-stage and half the crowd starts cheering because they KNOW you. It's great. I got to do the sound-effects game. Cuz I'm such a sound-effects person. But it went well. My friend Jessica got to perform in it and I was her sound-effect person. The scene was that they were roofers and me and this other girl were the sound people. Yeah...I suck at sound effects. But I got a lot of laughs--probably because I had no idea how to make most of the effects. It was great. I was in heaven.

After the show, Greg just disappeared for a minute. I was thought he was gonna get mobbed. And the crowd was so thick and people kept hollering for me so I didn't find him until like 3 minutes later. So I find him waiting by his dressing room and there's this crowd attempting to talk to him and he has this look like he's being tortured. And I was the only one with the key. So I had to shoo the crowd away and give him a bit of time. He just needed to smoke and freshen up. When he was in the bathroom this whiny 35-year-old creep from Platform Personalities was outside the door. And I heard him say "there's no escape--he has to come out this way." So I yank open the door and ask if I can help him. And he gets all whiny about how some other person immediately signed autographs in the dressing room and can't I please just let him in the get an autograph so he can leave right away. And when I say whiny I don't mean in a civilized fashion. I mean in the 2-year-old-gimme-gimme convulsion foot-stamping way. And he's MIDDLE AGED. It was sickening. I layed the smack-down and said that he'd have to wait like everyone else. He was like "I let you cut for Henry Rollins." I hollered "NO you did NOT--I wasn't even THERE!" and slammed the door in his face.

God, people can be so immature.

So he signed stuff for like FOREVER. But it was all good. And he did go to Vango's with NAE (Nay!) so that made everybody happy.

And there's more, but that's the jist of my night. I fell into bed--literally. It sucked cuz the whole day I was running on like no sleep and no food so by the time we ate I was nearly asleep and couldn't wind down.

Must go--Em's here. More later, I promise. Next up--is there a future with SG??

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out my Rockstar Fantasy To: The Ketchup Song--cheesy but fun

Crush du Jour: SG

Happy Thought of the Moment:supportive people, pulling off this kick ass event, HP stickers (EEE!), long-ass entries, polite celebs, feeling important, suckers, long nights of sleep, hugs from certain people, laughing my ass off, cute hair days, hoodies, Stitch, this feeling of accomplishment, getting to go onstage with Greg, long and meaningful convos (I've had a few of them lately....)

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