Observations from the Desk [ August 17, 2004, 3:20 pm ]

It's a...day. Yeah. With that I bring you observations du jour:

- if you're staring at your computer screen with a silly stupidly amused grin on your face because you're reading something hilarious online, people are going to know you're NOT working because indexing fifty bajillion tax papers is not. that. entertaining.

- Pepsi for breakfast will lead to nothing but hiccups and burpies. Which will obviously be the entertainment for the counselors around you.

- if you see the guy you may or may not have a harbored a crush for for the past few years, make sure your hair looks good. You don't want it to look like a greasy mullet...like mine did at lunchtime. Dammit. But, damn, he looked cute. (To clarify, this is a guy that nobody knows and one that I've talked to noone about. It's just a stupid little freshman fantasy that's lived on. That is all. With that.)

- the Hedgecock parking lot is not so fun during lunch-hour. Read: there is no. parking. At all. I nearly got into an impromptu demolition derby with a Saturn for a parking spot. But then a car with a "Kerry for President" sticker left and gave me a spot, saving both my temper and my Rexy. I love Democrats.

- I have a bruisey-bump on my right hand. I don't know what from. This is neither amusing or entertaining. But it hurts. Boo.

- The JoJo "Leave" song officially annoys the fuck out of me. First of all--why the hell is a 13-year-old singing about breaking up? Breaking up with who? Her Ken doll? What the hell. Plus the background "Leave!...get out!" are stupid-y-stupid-stupid. Yeah. Damn you JoJo for making me waste my LaunchCast skips on your crappy song.

- I've also just realized how many cute boys there are on this campus. Granted half of them are probably gay and destined to be my next BFF's, but still. This fact (the cute guy fact, not the gay stat) makes me both excited and sad. Why oh why, can I not find one decent guy? Preferrably one who's cute, funny and considerate enough to not break my heart, please.

- I have a big mouth. I was visiting with some friends and "let's do dinner" slipped out. Now I have to figure out dinner for three, when I'm used to dinner for one. I think that pancakes and scrambled eggs would make a fabulous dinner to entertain guests, no? Shut up, that's what they're getting. (They're not getting the porkchops that I've been craving for like a month now, that's for sure. Besides....there's only two of those.) What kind of drink goes with brunch? Hmm.

Ciao, dahling!


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