I love me! [ February 14, 2004, 7:20 pm ]

Happy freakin' Valentine's Day. Gaah.

Singletons unite. We should all ban together and start riots each V-day. Then maybe the commercialism would stop. Mwahaha. It's something to think about at least!

My day hasn't been so bad. Yesterday was fantastic. (Read my LJ or ask me if you wanna know...) Today's not bad.

I went and saw 50 First Dates with Emily. Not as good as The Wedding Singer but still sweet. I like the idea of falling in love every day. It's cute. And I adore Drew Barrymore, so I'll watch anything with her in it.

Chrissy and I went shopping to find her a new outfit today. It was so funny. We just complained the whole time about how guys suck. It's funny because she's kind of sort-of in a relationship and she's still complaining. Cuz she's a man-hater like that.

It made me realize that sometimes no matter how happy you think you're going to be if you're in different circumstances, you really may not be. It's a matter of attitude. We always think that things will be better if we have a boyfriend. That's such bullshit!

I'm quite happy on my own. It's weird. Most of my friends are complaining about how they want to be part of a couple "so bad." I've realized that I enjoy spending time with just me. And time with my friends. Because I seem to be increasingly busy, so my time is valuable.

And while I wouldn't mind having a boyfriend, most of the guys I encounter on a daily basis have brains the size of walnuts and less personality than one. (Except for my friends, who are my friends for the reason that they can actually carry on conversations and make me laugh. yeah.) So until a guy can look me in the eye instead of at my chest and make me laugh while having intellectual intercourse, I'm satisfied to chill by myself and with my posse'.

Now excuse me while I go and watch Lizzie McGuire.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Lizzieeee

Crush du Jour: Adam Sandler

Happy Thought of the Moment: chinese acrobats, feeling empowered, my new ring, Vday happines, new Lizzie, Vangos, good friends, Speedo boys, karaoke

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