Come Again? [ February 13, 2004, 1:06 am ]

Today's been a good day. It's just been a good week overall. I had quality Krissy-time tonight. I ran to Blockbuster and rented Josie and the Pussy-Cats and How to Deal. I figured Deal would be a good anti-Valentine type of movie. Plus I thought it had good acting and a strong script before,so I'm aching to see it again. And Josie has Alan goodness and makes me laugh, so you can't go wrong.

While I was at Blockbuster, Clayton called and left a message asking about OAR info for some kind of promotion or something. He babbled on for like a minute then ended the message by saying "I sure do love you."


It was random. And out-of-the-blue. If it was Emily or Joe or pretty much any other friend I probably wouldn't have even thought twice. But C and I have just started becoming friends...and we had like a date and a half, I think.

It was random. I would chalk it up to him being drunk, but I called him back and he was coherent. We ended up talking for nearly half an hour. He's such a good guy.

It was just random and weird. Yeah. I may have V-day plans with him now. (After the movie of course, Em--no worries.) That'd be cool.

I'm babbling. This just threw my off a little bit. And I'm not even reading into it, because I know that it's not like he's professing his love to me or anything because we're both on the same page about relationships.

It was just really odd to hear him say that at the end of a voicemail.

I guess he's just a better friend than I thought. That's cool. I need more guy friends. More straight guy friends. This could definitely be a good thing.

Oh yeah--I think one of the boys on staff hit on me today too. Go figure. My life is so weird. Ask me about that if you're interested. I'm really not about reliving those details right now. Gaah.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Glenn Philip's Abulum--I'm really really enjoying it so far. I looove

Crush du Jour: Alan Cumming

Happy Thought of the Moment: a good day, fun staff meetings, the Hunt-ers, the color pink, comfy jammies, not feeling bitter about V-day, being motivated, Lucky Charms, being caffeinated, karaoke tomorrow night, Acrobats tomorrow night, great friends, McDonalds food (mmmm), getting accepted into Sig-Tau, shiny nail polish, Josie, LJ whores, Vagina Monologues on Sunday, promise of another fabulous weekend, good recommendations, the word "indefatigueable"

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