Look at me! I'm a Writer!!! [ June 17, 2004, 12:39 am ]

Oooh...I was JUST about to give up on writing an entry tonight. What the fuck is up with Diaryland lately? Grr to them. I shake my fist at them.


First of all, I just watched my first episodes of Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Meatwad makes me smile. I adore his voice. It's a twisted stupid show--as are all the shows on Adult Swim--but sometimes all I want is a dumb show.

I feel quite accomplished tonight. I worked, but it was slow which allowed me to finish one of the essays for the Love-Life project Amanda and I want to make happen. I'm a little scared to jump into this, but I'm excited at the same time. I really want this to work, and it'd be awesome if we got published, but really--what are the chances? As optimistic as I am, my feet are firmly on the ground. This will be a great accomplishment and project for us and I know we'll learn a lot from this, so I'm excited for it.

Like I said, I've finished my first essay. I'm nervous about it. It's so personal, writing essays. It's exactly like maintaining a journal, but it's completely opposite at the same time. I think it's more nerve-racking because people are choosing to read it instead of being forced to read it like in my non-fiction classes. I've posted it on my Live-Journal. Go, read, comment, gimme feedback. I need it. This is a formidible time in my writing "career" and I want to learn as much as possible.

God, I'm babbling. I need to sleep. I'll end by saying that I spent $100 at Walmart tonight. Buying, like, nothing. Seriously. I got my mom a DVD for Father's Day and that was the most expensive thing. I don't know where the other $80 went. It wasn't like I bought a load of groceries or anything either. Grr. It's amazing how fast I can spend money. I think I need to marry a gabillionaire. Or something.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Reno 911

Crush du Jour: my bed

Happy Thought of the Moment: the essay project, minty ice cream, hoodies, Simple Life on DVD (for $5!!), strawberries and Cool Whip, herbal lotion, hot showers, icy cold water

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