Late Night Vent of Sorts [ November 06, 2002, 1:32 am ]

Once again...I should be asleep. I'll get there soon enough. Really. *grin*

So I'm all wallow-y in self-pity right now. And when I think about it I probably shouldn't be. But guys really can suck. I think it's a disease. No no--It's gotta be genetic.


(And I don't mean that in any sexual way either, so don't go and think of anything nasty like you always do.)

You know? I really don't know why I feel this way either. I was so giddy yesterday. Right now I'm just all pissy.

Pissy Krissy.

Yup yup--that's me.

I think I need sleep. Yeah, that's it. Argh.

But why why WHY do guys suck so bad? They can be so inconsiderate. Grr.

OK, so I'm totally over-reacting right now, but I don't even give a fuck.

I have the right to act bitchy every once in a while. And right now is one of those times.

K, I need to get over it. So different topic:

Christy, honey, I love you dearly. Your are beautiful and fabulous and just the best thing ever. I'm here for you honey!!!

Yeah, she's in a bit of a funk. Christy is, I mean. We tried to figure it out tonight, but a girl-fest and hot chocolate couldn't even help to solve it. Sadness.

One of the things she told me though was so cute--I wish it had happened to me.

In her diary she said she's not pretty or anything--which is SUCH a complete lie. Anyway...her friend IM'd her and told her he thought she was sooo pretty. He said the first time he saw her in this store he didn't want her to leave because she was so pretty.

How adorable is that?

There is some sweetness left in this world. That gives me hope. Yay!

I have the warm fuzzies now. That was just such a cute story.

And I guess I'm not really that grumpy any more. One of my residents was in here trying to figure out her schedule and she was saying how most of her friends are guys. Then she looked at me and said that she thinks that I'm just a cool, awesome person (her words, not mine!!) and that she really wants to get to know me better, that she considers me a friend.

Aww--Hallmark moment! Yay yay yay!!

That totally made my night. It totally turned my attitude around. Hurrah.

The other thing that can really help a grumpy attitude is a kick ass mix cd. I made on called "Crush Crushed: a CD for When Guys Suck." (Not that I'm not still crushing--it's just a good title.) On it is a bunch of really good enpowering and aggressive songs. It's the best. Me likey lots. *grin*

Aight, I need to sleep. I just needed to vent for a minute and get some stuff offa my chest.

Oh--good news of the day: I got an 80% on my Law exam I took last Thursday! Hurray! It was a really hard exam too! Go me!

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy to:a random track on Christina's Stripped cd--it's sooo good

Crush du Jour:Ben Affleck (Yumminess supreme...)

Happy Thought of the Moment:the Mango, good meetings, being done with scheduling, getting a good grade on my Law exam, rich hot cocoa, girly chats, happy compliments, speaking my mind, cute boots, sweater dusters, Rexy still having a full tank of gas after lots of running around, Panini's, Trading Spaces, Making the Video, "Jenny from the Block", anything sweet and chocolately, cute sweaters, pigtails, great looking poster ads

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