Early Morning Blogging [ November 05, 2002, 9:33 am ]

I have about 7 minutes to kill before I have to lug my ass up the hill to my Law class, so I decided to be motivated and update early. Really early.

I've been awake since 8:30 this morning. GO ME!!! I figured I'd need more time to get ready for some reason so I got up half an hour early for a shower. Yeah, I was ready by like 9. Meaning I have time to kill. Or had time to kill.

It's actually kind of nice. I'm just here, ready to leave, sipping on hot chocolate and listening to John Mayer. What a happy way to start my morning! Wheeeeee!!!

Hmm...I'm looking at the ad for a diary above my blog box I'm typing in right now. Quite interesting. "Civil procedure makes my pussy purr." Thank you for that.

How big of a geek am I? I've began a countdown to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets--10 days!!!!! Em, we need to figure out when tix go on sale and get them STAT. *grin*

And 8 Mile opens on Friday. I'm very much looking forward to that. I can't tell if it's because I haven't seen a good movie in a long time (unless you count Jackass) or because the trailers look really good. Me thinkys it's a combo of both.

I wish I had something interesting to talk about. But I don't. Life is boring. Well not really, but there's not a whole lot to say at 9:30 in the morning.

I'm gonna go and haul ass up to class.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Your Body is a Wonderland by John Mayer--yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!

Crush du Jour: John Mayer...........and SG :p

Happy Thought of the Moment: being ready on time for once, fall mornings, good night's sleep, great dreams, hot chocolate, concealer (given from the gods I'm sure of it), yummy smelling lotion, yummy smelling hand soap, fluffy towels, cute guys, Room for Squares

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