A Very KiKi Christmas [ December 27, 2003, 12:11 am ]

So Christmas for KiKi came and went pretty uneventfully. If you can call Katy having a hissy fit (that lasted for 3 hours) and me moaning about dying after over-stuffing myself uneventful.

Welcome to life at my family's house. It was weird--is it weird for me to be more excited about the turkey dinner than the gifts? I think so. But I did wake up at 9:30 raring to go, all set to open presents. Katy didn't drag her ass outta bed till nearly 10:30, so lucky me got to wait and stare at the shiny lights and pretty packages.

Lemme just say though: Mom did not let us down present-wise this year. And I'm not saying this to rub it in or sound spoiled. She's been bragging about giving us "great gifts" since the beginning of October...hell, she may have even been talking about it in September. She wasn't joking. Christmas is so fabulous.

I've decided to award prizes to certain presents this year. All my friends and family really went all out for some odd reason--must've been the magic in the air or something. Whatever it was, they deserve recognition. So without further ado....

The KiKi Christmas Awards!!!!

*insert wild applause here*

funniest gift: a stuffed Stitch that clings to the window. It has a posable tongue, so naturally I make him look like he's picking his nose with his tongue--just like in the movie! Hehe. Muchas gracias to Em for the new Rexy accessory.

most common gift: I don't know why, but I'm NOT complaining by any means...the most common gift for me and Katy was earrings. NICE earrings. I got six pairs of really pretty, really expensive earrings for Christmas from my mom and my aunts. I repeat--I am NOT complaining. Now I actually may look classy when dressing up!

most creative presentation: this is one of the biggies for me--creativity will always go far. This honor goes to my boss. She gave everyone on staff a "movie night in." She gave a DVD and a couple of theater-sized boxes of candy wrapped up. They were placed in a microwavable tub of popcorn. The finishing touch was a 20 oz. bottle of pop. It was really cute and really creative. I wish I would have thought of that!

biggest surprise: the stockings. I thought I knew what was gonna be in the stockings cuz I went shopping with Mom. Umm...no. I got a gorgeous pair of ruby earrings in mine, as well as gift certificates to Maurices and Target--two of my favorite stores. I was so excited I was gonna cry. Mega-kudos to Mommy for that lovely moment.

Yeah....I can't think of anymore cool categories. So thus ends the KiKi Christmas Awards! Thank you for watching and tune in again next year!!!

I spent the majority of my night scrapbooking. Oooh yeah. I'm an old old woman. I'm really proud of the results so far, though. I think it looks really kick-ass. Especially with my brand-new scrapbook. Yaay! Too bad that I'm running out of pages. Boo. And I can't get more refills until I go back to Marquette. Boooo. No worries--I shall continue to archive the pages and just store them until I get more pages and figure out how to get them in my book. Yeah.

God I am SUCH a dork.

And I'm tired out from scrapbooking. That means bedtime.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Tommy Davidson on Jay Leno

Crush du Jour: John Mayer

Happy Thought of the Moment: turkey dinner, quality time with family (or at least mommy), road trippin' to Calumet with Em, cheap gas, leftovers, cookies, scrapbooking, gorgeous earrings, hanging out with my cousins, shiny lights, graphic tees, cute sweaters, Evian water, teddy bears, ice cream, sleeping in, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

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