KiKi's Weekend Update [ July 14, 2002, 6:58 pm ]

My weekend in a nutshell: soooo freakin' boring. I seriously have no life. Here's all I did: march in a parade, get sunburnt, work, chill out allll day today. That's IT. THAT'S IT. Why why why? Why couldn't I live in an interesting city or area where there would be stuff to do? Can you tell that I'm slightly frustrated?!?!? Grrr!

So yeah, the Strawberry Festival concluded yesterday. The parade was at 11, then the whole thingy was basically over. Guess who got to march with her friend's high school marching band? Moi! I got to lug the friggen bass drum. I like percussion, but carrying the bass?, not for KiKi thankyouverymuch. I'm so short that I couldn't even see over the stupid thing! And I kept praying that I wasn't going to run over little kids that were watching the parade (cuz I was on the end). It was pretty funny. But sooo hot. Over 80 degrees in a polyester uniform with a big ol' drum. Yup yup--I'm sure you're all envying me now. *grin*

On the upside--after the parade I got to meet Mel's boyfriend, Alan, finally. He's really nice. And it's so cute cuz you can tell how in love the two of them are. It's sweet. It gives me hope. It also revolts me at the same time since I don't have a honey. I'm quite happy for Melissa though. She's all blissful. =)

While visiting with them I got sunburnt AGAIN. Great great great. That's fabulous. My skin looks dark, but really bad right now. Here's hoping that it moisturizes itself and looks better STAT.

Gaaah! I gotta jet. Mom's mega-crabby. Plus "Cadet Kelly" just came on and since I haven't gotten to see it yet, I'm putting myself into couch potato mode for the next 2 hours. Mmmm

Ciao, dahling!


Living Out My Rockstar Fantasy To: "Cadet Kelly" on ABC (eeee! I love Disney Channel movies--they're so addicting)

Crush du Jour: Hayden Christensen

Happy Thought of the Moment: Burger King, The Emperor's New Groove, Incubus, "Room for Squares" , NYC (!!!)

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