Kids?!? Umm, yeah...NO [ July 16, 2002, 12:01 am ]

Note to self: caffeine is baaaaaad. Never start to drink it at 11 at night if you plan on going to bed anytime within the next 5 hours. I'm jazzed on Pepsi right now. Wheeee! Don't you just love caffeine rushes? I DO!!!

So today I spent the entire day babysitting 2 little boys. "My guys" I call them. Yeah...after a whole day with them, I am positive 200% that I am NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER having children. I swear it. I may have said it before, but I mean it now more than ever. Really. Ahhh! I'll get my tubes tied if I have to. Children are just not in my future. They're cute, but they're just so freakin' hard to keep up with. I'm pretty sure that I was born without the maternal instinct gene.

In other news: it's fuggin' hot AGAIN. Great. I hate it when it's so muggy and hot and you can't move or breath cuz you'll sweat to death. It's the worst. Grr. life is uninteresting. I've hung out with my family out night. And we're not at each others' throats.'a a miracle. Hehehe They're pretty cool when they're not crabby. :p

K, I should go and attempt sleep...or something. I'll probably end up watching the movies i rented though. Yeah...that's the more feasible possibility. Whatev.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: The new Pepsi jingle by Britneyyyyyyy!!! This is so fun and happy. Wheeee!

Crush Du Jour: Shane West and Hayden Christensen (I'm all about the smoldering hunks right now)

Happy Thought of the Moment: Big Gulps, cruising with the windows down, karaoke, calls from Joe, not being broke, fresh fruit--especially cherries, diaryland surveys (I'm having way too much fun filling out people's surveys. Some are so random!)

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