Boy Theory *giggle* [ April 08, 2003, 1:34 am ]

So my boss and a couple of fellow staffers have a theory. I am NOT impressed with this new little theory really, but I find it quite amusing, so of course I have to talk about it.

They think I need a guy. (Well duh.) They think I need a guy because I am too impassioned with Lilo and Stitch.

Take a moment to digest this piece of information.

Yes, I too, am laughing my ass off over here.

Now here comes the explanation. We had staff bonding last night with the new RA Dave (who seems like a complete sweetie--not to mention cutey--so far. he'll do good here). We got pizza and watched a movie. We were all shouting out suggestions on what to watch and I shouted out Stitch cuz I know we all like that movie. Apparently I didn't shout it out--I shrieked about it. And scared Dave in the process. Yeah. I had no idea.

So I like the movie, it's one of my favorites, it makes me happy. And now cuz I enjoy it, I need a guy.

This theory entertains me greatly.

I think I do need a guy. Not NEED a guy, but lately I've been thinking that someone to cuddle with wouldn't be so bad. If Joe were up here, this wouldn't be a problem right now. I want that boy to be up here sooo bad. I want a cuddle-buddy. Gaaah.

(This is Krissy feeling lonely to her fullest. Seriously. And I'm fiiiine. I'm totally content at this moment, in my jammies, rockin' out to the Chilli Peppers. Haaa. *grin*)

So, uhhh...I dyed my hair again. It's really different. I thought I looked like a goth for a couple of moments. My boss approves, some of the staffers (the ones who've seen it) approve, the residents seem receptive so far. I'm still warming up to it. It's just so different. I'm used to bright and eye-catching and this is really deep and subtle for me. Quite the change.

If people didn't know me, they'd probably think I'm going through some sort of identity crisis. First the nose ring, now goth-esque hair. Hmmm.

It's something to ponder....if you REALLY have nothing better to do. Hehe. All I have to say is that I'm happy and I love me. Yeah.

I had my one-on-one with Dave about SLFP today. I'm on the right track. Hurrah! I didn't realize how few skillbuilders I'd done, though. It's been the last thing on my mind really. I'm so damn busy. So now I have to do like 10 next year to catch up. Hehe. My bad. Dave made a comment about being halfway done with the program. GAAAAWD. Suckage. I adore SLFP and to think that I'm halfway done with it is kind of depressing. I've learned sooo much from this and met soooo many people. It's be an excellent experience for me so far. Anyone going to NMU--go for SLFP, I promise you won't regret it. It's an amazing program. The funny thing is that you don't realize just how great it is until you stop to think about it. Funny.......

K, I need to go post some signs and jet to bed.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: commercials on MTV

Crush du Jour: Anthony Keidis and John Cusack (I need to find an attainable guy--any ideas?)

Happy Thought of the Moment: fun trivia, burnt cds, sleep, hearing from Hannah, Stitch (yeah yeah yeah...), hilarious theories, courderoy jacket, WalMart runs, Oreo shakes, facials, moisterizer, icy water, good lotion, fun hair color, nose ring, app for summer job (finally!), fun games

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