Sometimes I Feel.... [ February 21, 2004, 2:17 am ]

God bless my HAC. THey allowed me to go out and have fun with my friends. Yaaay to my HAC. They rule.

My friends rule too. Oooh yeah. I don't know how much I remember about to night. Here's what I do remember:

~ Brett being hit on by some 40-somethign year-old woman during our rendition of Baby Got Back. We were swaying to out rhythm and 40-year-old saunters up to Brett and starts swaying with him and hitting on him. SO FUNNY. HAHAHA

~ I rocked that song I mentioned above. Even though I may or may not have had a bit to drink.

~ a renditoin of Pour Some Sugar On Me. I don't remember saying I'd sing it, but 6 of us did. I now know the lyrics.

~ Erin ate my cherry. Boo to her. Katie got me more. Yay to her.

~ I can't feel my mouth. Bretttt applied lip balm. Others felt my lips. Haha.

~ I sang A LOT. But we didn't sing NKOTB. Sad. But there was a rocking rendition of Tainted Love.

~ There's a lot of picgtures. NOT GOOD. I'm getting them tomorrwo. I'll post. Yeah.

~ Theres so much blackmail on me from tonight. But I had fun. So neh. You are all retahded.

Oh yeah--our hockey team sucks. Boo to them.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar FAnatsy To: "Boy Meets World"

Crush du Joour: John Mayer--we ALWAYS hear Clarity after karaoke--wassup with that? Not that I'm complaining!!!

Happy Thought of the MOment: typing semi-coherently, fun karaoke, seeing Brett get hit on by someone twice his age, 80s songs, fun at the hockey games, karaoke in general, untapped talent, yummy drinks, girly runs to the bathroom, sleep--lots of sleep, hugs, fun pix

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