Yummy [ November 28, 2003, 9:06 pm ]

Hummm....I'm bored right now. At the moment, the goddess is bored. Hummm.

Thank GOD it hasn't been this way all weekend.

Really, this is the first time since we arrived (at 3 am Wednesday morning, thankyouverymuch)that I've had to time to chill. My own little me-time while in Metro Detroit.

It's been absolutely awesome here so far. Joe's entire family is completely charming--they're like the perfect movie family--they have quirky little fights but 2.457 minutes later they're all laughing and loving each other again.

And dinner--oh GOD the food. I *heart* Thanksgiving so much. It's seriously my favorite dinner EVER. And Joe's mom didn't disappoint at all. Everything was super good. Mmmmm. Good food, good company.

Haaa--I sound like an ad for some cheesy restaurant chain.

Today was the biggest shopping day of the year. I, being the shopping goddess that I am, of course spent way too much money. BUT--it wasn't all on me! Go me! Hurrah! I started investing in my sister and mom's presents. Sweeet. My mom deserves the best, so I spent more than I should have on food. Oh well. And Pookie's gift is going to be so cute. Sooo cute.

Lemme just say--I ADORE Sephora. Yeah, a hundred bucks down the drain on makeup and perfume. I live an enchanted life. Heheheeee

Oh GOD--19 hours until JOHN MAYER!!!!!!!!


Ok, I'm good. Mmmm....bliss. I cannot wait for tomorrow. It's gonna be perfect. PERRRRRRRFECT. I wonder if he'll sing any Christmas songs.

Yay Christmas!!!

Oh God life is fabulous

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Joe babbling and "Two Towers: Extended Edition" in the background

Crush du Jour: John Mayer. OoOH! And the shirtless hotties just standing around A&F today--MmmmMM!

Happy Thought of the Moment: shopping shopping SHOPPING, cute model-y boys, John Mayer TOMORROW (!!!), Joe's family, Joe's grandma (good GOD--she's the coolest person ever), good novels, Somerset, dancey mixes, hot gay boys, Gap sweaters, Apple-tinis, chicken McNuggets, talking to Mommy, Fossil store, that gorgeous red dress in Betsey Johnson, Thanksgiving foooood, Body Shoppe Body Butter, hott lip stain, mint M&M's, Two Towers Extended Edition, lots of sleep, dancing with hot boys, caffeine

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