In*ter*rest*ing: what my day has been [ November 13, 2002, 1:20 am ]

It's a very interesting type of day. Yeah, that's definitely the word...

So happiness ensues in my life in many many aspects:

A.) Student Perception Surveys (SPS) are back. This is where all of the residents say how they feel about the staff and RA's and all that stuff. And there's a section for the AP. And I kicked ASSSSS. 80% of residents know me and about that many know what I do and how to get ahold of me. This is a very very good thing. It means I'm doing my job well. Sweeeet. That totally makes my day. And I scored above live half the other AP's so I'm quite excited. Go me! *pat on the back*

B.) I'M DONE WITH MY FLIPPIN' SLFP PROJECT!!!! This has been a thorn in my side for the past 4 freakin' weeks. And now we're done. The paper's turned in and we presented it tonight. We did the presentation WITHOUT rehearsing it once--we just winged it. We did pretty well. I got the class to laugh a few times so that was pretty fabulous. And we sounded well-informed and educated and rehearsed so go us!! Yay yay yay! I'm celebrating a lot over that.

C.) In PR today Wally called me "brilliant." I think he was being kind of sarcastic, but coming from Wally, even that can be a compliment. He knows his shit and he told me that I'm doing really good, so that makes me extremly happy. Case Studies is a lot more work than I expected it to be and it was hard at first so that fact that he told me this is fa-bu-lous! *grin*

D.)I got to spend quality time with some of the people I love best: my boss and Amanda. It was great fun. Good bonding. Yes yes. That is definitely a goooood thing.

So my boss is trying to play Cupid. This is interesting. I'm just gonna say I'm confused. I really don't know who I like anymore. I really don't. This is sad. I was crushing so hard a week ago, and now it's just like "eh." Hmm I just don't know. Hmm hmm hmm I don't really know how much I should say. I liked somebody at the beginning of the year, but it kind of simmered out when I thought he had a girlfriend. Now..............I just don't know. I don't think I really like anybody.

I'm neutral. I'd like a boyfriend. Yes yes, that'd be nice. But I'm fine on my own. Like I've always said.

It's just a little aggravating and frustrating. But it should not be that way if I don't like either guy right?

Help me out here people! Kick some sense into me!!!

I'm fine. Yes yes--I've just decided this. Guys are just dumb. Why do we spend so much time obsessing over them? Can you imagine all the great things we could accomplish if we didn't worry about the opposite sex so much? It's kind of amazing.

From now on I'm just going to focus my energies on the stuff I love: friends, family, my job, school, me.

Oh yeeeeeeeeah.

One last thing: Boys suck--throw rocks at them. (for you, Dinkel-darling!)

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "She's So High" by Tal Bachman--such a great song

Crush du Jour:absolutely nobody (really)

Happy Thought of the Moment: good SPS scores, Norm McDonald on Weekend UpDate, girl talk, apple pie, social rounds, Taco Bell runs, helping people out, being done with the SLFP project, quality time with friends, Spinner Radio (download it--it's fabulous), Harry Potter out in 2 days! (!!!), not being bitter, Rob Thomas, rock music, my inspiration mix, playing hookie, "real live poets", cute voicemails, waking up with happy emails, encouragement, smoothies, figuring out damn case studies, Stifler the staff fishy, seeing the family, ecards from Katy, Alan Cumming, personal domains, the dancey blob at the bottom of this

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