A Huzzah Kind of Day [ December 14, 2004, 7:26 pm ]

Today? Is a good day. A very good day. And how.

Ryan booked our hotel for London. It's a cute, quaint little place smack in the middle of the city. HELL YEAH. This basically solidifies the fact that we ARE going and nothing. Can. Stop. Us. Hell yeah! We're also in the process of getting symphony and play tickets because we're all cultured-like. And we're booking our flight tickets (with the very real possibility of first class) after we get back from the holiday break.

I finished up my last projects for Non-fiction seminar. No more beating myself up over revisions. This last piece is one I'm extremely proud of. I'm even considering submitting it to a magazine or two. That could be a good beginning-of-the-year goal. Hmm. (If you want to read it, go to my Live-journal. I've posted it for feedback.)

I may have plans for New Years! For once! And it doesn't include my couch! Katy and I may come down to Marquette for the "ball drop" (I use that term SO loosely). It's better than being stuck in Chassell. Oh yes. This will work out. People--let me know if you'll be in town--we can all watch the cheesy ball drop into 2005 together! Wooo!

AND!!! I get to take my geography final on Thursday! The prof isn't as big of a dick as I though--huzzah! He gave alternate times to test because he knew that Friday at 10 am is an inconvenience. Hmmm...ya think? So I'm taking it Thursday morning! Huzzah! I better get re-studying. Un-huzzah.

AND! I get to see Ocean's 12 in a couple hours. Awesome. It's bring-your-own-bucket night. Even better. Hoards of popcorn for fifty cents. Life is good.

Ciao, dahling!


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