The Return of the Hunt-ers [ January 05, 2004, 10:53 am ]

Hummm.......soooo much has occurred in the past 5 days. So goes the life of me.

I'm back in Hunt. I seriously cried when I saw Chrissy and Katie when I got back. That may have been because Chrissy screamed so ear-splittingly loud that I could do nothing except be flattered. God I missed them. I am loved. We immediately went to Hudsons and just babbled on for like 3 hours. Michelle came back later in the afternoon. The four Hunter girls together again. Without the boys. Until Wednesday. Oh Gaaawd. This is fabulous.

We're such dorks. We spent 4 hours (4 HOURS) playing cards. That was how we celebrated being reunited. I think I would have had more fun if I hadn't been stuck on Phase 1 (in the game of Phase 10) for like 60 kajillion hands.

(Random sidenote before continuing: I just figured out this lyric from "Hey Ya" and I like how much it makes me think. "They say that nothing lasts forever/then what makes love the exception." That's the best line I've heard in a while. Too bad I've been listening to this song forever and just realized that line on Saturday night. I really should pay more attention to stuff sometimes.)

The drive back was fine. The roads were happily clear and devoid of retarded drivers. Thank God. I bawled the entire way out of Chassell, though, because I didn't want to leave my mom. I was a kindergartener going to my very first day of school all over again. I'm thinking I would have been ok except I had to go and say "don't cry" to her, which made Mom's face squig up, which made me start crying, which continued until 10 miles out of Chassell. It was hard saying good-bye. Our bond was really strengthened this break because of the funeral and all the stuff we did together and the talks we had and the plain fact that my sister is being a raging bitch.

Ooooh yeah--I think me and Katy are fighting. Ha. The funniest thing is that I don't even know for sure if we are. I know she's pissed at me. How do I know? Hmmm...could it be because she wrote an ode to me in her diary entitled "Bitch Sister." It was a charming entry about how shallow and bitchy and self-centered and dirty (yes, dirty--haaaa) I am. Yes, Katy, I read that entry. And I laugh. Mwahahaha. And now I am blocked from her diary which does nothing but entertain me. I am highly amused by this. I have bigger issues to deal with without the added retarded-ness of my sister's immaturity piliing on. I have a real life with bigger issues, so really, it's no skin off of my back if someone doesn't like me at the moment.

Oooohh--I saw Cheaper by the Dozen on Saturday night. Funny as all fuck. I love family movies that are actually funny. But it had Steve Martin in it, so it was obviously gonna be good. It was better than I thought it would be. The kids were all so cute. (Oh--FYI Amanda--the girl from Mike's Super Short Show IS the girl from the Missy Elliot videos. She's in the movie. You were right. Way to figure that out! I'm a loser for not seeing that.)

But yeah. It was really good.

I think I may have the possibility of a romantic life soon. Maybe. Maybe maybe. Every fucking time I say that it goes to hell, so I'm not really gonna say anything. I'm just a little geeked at the moment, so I needed to be a little glowy. *gloooow*

Just....keep your fingers crossed for me. It'd be nice to have a cute boy accessory for my life. Yup.

Hmm...perhaps I should go unpack. I just dropped everything in the middle of my floor when I get back yesterday. I'm highly unmotivated. Meh. We'll see.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Daniel Tosh on Comedy Central--he's hilarious!

Crush du Jour: this comic guy's climbing the well as certain other people perhaps

Happy Thought of the Moment: being back in Hunt, cable again, cartoons, hanging with my girls, two hour phone convos with Joe, cute picture frames, cute new purse, shopping in Target, scrapbooking, pretty snow, mommy hugs, cut-out cookies, not burning cut-out cookies, my self-given hair-cut (given in a "fit of bored insomnia"--it looks goood), Disney Days calendar, Stitch, cozy sweaters, Midol, sleep, manicures, Special Ed

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