Harryyyyyyy!!! [ November 16, 2002, 2:33 am ]


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is sooooooooooo fabulous. That's all I can really say. It was sooo good. And it didn't feel like two and a half hours. That's amazing for me--girl with the attention span of a gnat.

Yeah...it was so great. I knew I'd like it though. Durh. Why'd you think I was sooo excited about it so much for the past month? Sooooooo fabulous.

Harry is SUCH a hottie. I feel so creepy and sleazy saying that because he's only, oh--13. Oh well. He's sooo cute. He has a lot of potential. Waaay lots of potential. And he seems genuine, sincere. And he has the prettiest eyes. And the ending scenes in the Chamber. Ooohh

And Tom Riddle's a hottie too.

It was just a happy hottie night for me.

It really shouldn't seem creepy, I guess. Here's my reasoning behind this whole crush-on-Daniel/Harry thingy. There are a gabillion guys who think that the Olson twins are like the hottest things ever and they're underage. And THEY want to do disgusting, lewd and very sexual things with these two. Grooooooss. While I on the other hand, would just want Daniel to sit there and look cute. That's it. I swear.

I think his accent has a lot to do with it, too. I think if he was American that I wouldn't find him nearly as adorable. Yeah...accents are good.

Got that, guys--Accents are GOOOOOOD!

My review? I likey it a lot. A lot a lot a lot. Hehehe. I've been invited to see it tomorrow night and again on Sunday afternoon. I'm seriously contemplating BOTH viewings.

I'm such a dork.

And let me just say this: Cherry Coke and cotton candy don't really mix with late night. I'm bouncing off the walls right now. I kinda feel bad for the people who sat in front of us--I'm sure they were annoyed. Hehe

Tonight=veeeeeery good night. I just want to say: he remembered he remembered. Lalala. That's all I'm gonna say. Life is good! I'll explain later, I promise.

And I got to taste Thai food tonight for the first time. Soooooooo yummy. Hehe

Wow--I think I just came down from the caffeine/sugar high. Whoa.

Bed time for moi.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Wishing on a Star" by the Cover Girls (it's on Spinner. Awww--this is totally mine and Katy's song. This makes me miss her a lot. =/)

Crush du Jour: Daniel Radcliffe, Sean Biggerstaff (ehehehehehe)

Happy Thought of the Moment: Social hour for Krissy before Harry, the movie (duh), this song, reminiscing, cotton candy, Midol, naps, Stitch, Kim Possible, jailbait, kick ass mix cds, remembering little things, decent winter driving, ice scrapers, warm gloves, good trailers, accents, Spinner radio, fabulous staff, seeing a new Lizzie McGuire (again--yay!), Thai food, rangoons, Cherry Coke, fun ads for my walls, bendy straws

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