Happy Happy Happy!!! [ June 16, 2002, 4:39 pm ]

I've decided that I haven't put a happy list up in a little while so here goes:

~~~~~KiKi'S hApPy LiSt Du JoUr~~~~~

~Summery-Like Weather: ohmigod! It's actually nice in the UP? It's gotta be a miracle!

~Feeling Better After Being Sick: Cuz I dooooo! Yippee!!!!!

~Em Being Home for the Weekend: Cuz life is ohsomuch more interesting and enjoyable when your best friend is within a 2 mile radius of you!

~Inside Jokes: Em and I can laugh for hours on end with all of our dumb inside jokes (And we don't do it to make people feel left out either. We just don't explain them cuz we'll look dumb and people just wouldn't get it anyways cuz of our trains of thought!)

~Empire Records: I could watch this movie a million times and never get sick of it. And there are lessons there too if you feel like getting deep and insightful--which I never do, but still! "What's with today, today?"

~The Thought of Going to NYC for Spring Break: Goddess of Chaos in the City of Chaos? Hmm...this could be a match made in heaven! *grin*

~Being Brave: Cuz life's too short to be chicken

~Chocolate Cupcakes

~Having a Full Tank of Gas

~Scooby Doo!!!! (Go and see it--it's so much fun!)

~Not having to work for 3 and a half whole days!!!

~My hair: so this sounds vain, but I LOVE the shade of red that it is. Very MJ in SpiderMan, very feisty, very me. Hehehehe

~Orange Juice: after being sick, I have a renewed love in OJ, preferrable pulp free, please!

~My New Stats Counter: Sooo pretty, and it can count past 1000 too! Hurray!

~Mark McGrath: his cameo in Scooby Doo just reminded me of how beautiful he is. *sigh* (AND HE TOUCHED ME TOO!!!!)

~The WINGS Winning the Stanley Cup!!!

~Pork Chops: one of my fave meals, and Mommy's cooking them right now. Mmmm...I can smell 'em!

~My Denim Skirt From Target: it's a miracle it fit me since my hips are the size of Texas, but it does! And I look damn good in it. And it's ohsovery versatile too. Yay! It's my new favorite wardrobe item.

~The Emperor's New Groove: it's just so damn clever and funny. Plus it's so utterly quotable...KRONK!!! "A llama?!? He's supposed to be DEAD!" "Yeah--weird." "Tell us where the talking llamer is AND we'll burn your house down!"

~Yummy Smelling Coconut Shimmery Lotion

~The Fact that I'll be Back in Marquette in Less Than 6 Weeks!!!

~Harry Potter books

K, that's enough for now. Hehehe--Katy's an hour late getting home. She's gonna get in trouuuuuuuuble! Lalalalalalala! (There's another happy thought right there!)

Ciao, dahling!


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