Gleeful Now [ November 14, 2002, 11:59 pm ]


The day is NOT going to go fast enough for me. Nope nope.

Actually it's still Thursday. Well it's midnight, but still. Friday is going to creeeeeeeep.

I got a lot to day tomorrow. Greeeeat.

~A meeting with my poetry professor. Yes--the oversexed 60-year-old. Oh the joy. I asked her about her hours and she looked really excited. I know what she's thinking--that I'm not applying myself. I know I'm really not. I like the class and I like being in the class. And I like writing poetry. But I don't see it how she does. I'm not about being depressed and morbid or about writing about the quintissential orgasm. I love my life and I'm inspired by what makes me happy. I'm not about to write about what I know nothing about. I'd just feel fake. Like a poser. That's not cool. But so....yeah, I'm gonna see what she thinks about a couple of my other poems. And see how the hell she's gonna grade us. Cuz I really don't know. Gaaah. God help me.

~HAC soliciting. I need to get off my ass and get some kick ass prizes for Hunt's study buck auction. My fabulous committee has been a big help. Jessica, Andrea and I are going to a bunch of the businesses tomorrow to solicit and see if anybody will donate. Who can resist 3 adorable girls? Who'd have the heart to resist?

~Meeting. All I'm gonna say is it's gonna be a hard meeting. It'll be emotional. It ain't cool. Paradise is lost for a bit. =(

I'm sorry I need to be cryptic. I don't want to be, but I dont want to reveal info that may be secret at this moment. I'm really trying to protect privacy for this particualar reason. I promise all things will come out in the end. Promise.

I really have nothing else to talk about. I am so boring. I felt this great urge to call my mom and sister earlier today. That was kind of weird. I miss them, but I never really have felt so strongly to call them as I did today. I'll probably give them a call tomorrow. I miss them!!!

Ohmygod! I love this skit. The Chris Kattan and Cheri O'Teri couple skit. The horny couple. My god, these two crack me up. I think that they're the cutest couple. I hope when I'm married I have a healthy sex life like these guys. Lol ("Baby if I can't find the button, you certainly can't." "Relax and let me find it...that it? That? Yes--THERE!" "Keep looking till you find it, you bastard!") Hehehe

Sex God's baaaack. Not that he ever left. There may be some interesting developments in the near distant future.

DAMN! Ben Affleck's BUUUULGE. Hehehe

I need to type a couple of poems up. More on the drama that is my life later.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Most Girls" by Pink--good empowering song

Crush du Jour:Ben Affleck, Ewan McGregor, Hayden Christainson (can ya tell I was watching Star Wars stuff?), and SG

Happy Thought of the Moment: the Star Wars Episode II blooper reel, Apple Jax, rounds, being responsible, feeling loved, pretty snow--it's romantical (!), Ben Affleck (and his bulge--hehe), fun fun class periods, engaged friends, CASH, Spinner radio, good weekend plans, E! Behind the Scenes, Daniel Radcliffe, good naps, happy dreams, DVD extras, soft toilet paper, scrubby days, being told I look cute, hugs, visitors, dinner with Sierra, strawberry fruit roll-ups, mockumentaries, SNL reruns, hot showers, laughing, interseting diaries, people who know who they are, "meetings"

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