Hear me RAWR!! [ November 14, 2002, 12:57 am ]

Once again...I don't know how I'm feeling. But NOW it's for a COMPLETELY different reason.


Whoever said that being a leader is the greatest thing ever can kiss my ass and take over for me any time now.


I'm waaaaaaaaiting.

Yeah....I should probably explain that. First lemme get my hot cocoa and jam to John Mayer for a minute. Woo-hooo! 83 is the best song! *grin*

This song is sooo the greatest. "Here I stand, 6 feet small, and smiling cuz I'm scared as hell--kind of like where life is like a sequel to a movie, where the actors names have changed..." I can relate. I think I'm feeling like that right about now.

But yeah. I really love how people feel like they can just try to push me over. Do I seem like a pushover to people?

And let me convey this, as well: I AM NOBODY'S WENCH.


I wasn't impressed with that little thing. Even if it was just a joke. Self-sufficient people are definitely my favorite kind of people at the moment.

And I really hate how people expect me to just make spur-of-moment decisions. That's why there's a committee people. Yeah.

I'm just highly frustrated right now. I think that people in general need to be more grateful and understanding and open-minded. In an ideal world I guess.....

(Note to all: if you really really confused, just message or call me and I'll explain everything. I just really can't be any less cryptic at the moment. Although I'm sure some people know exactly what i'm talkin' 'bout.)

Really, I should feel empowered because I think I handled stuff very well tonight. Go me! And I am quite proud of myself for how I handled things. But now I must run directly to my support system for back-up. Because I know I can't do it alone.

Thank God I have a good support system. This is something I'm very grateful about.

Today's been a funky day. I've felt bitchy for no real reason. Well...there was a reason. There was some confusion about feelings, but I'm very certain about them now. Guy I thought I liked like 5 hours ago? Notsomuch anymore. (yay) Guy I used to like like a week ago--pretty sure it's still going strong. Maybe...

So at least that's taken care of. But I was mega-crab earlier. Even though residents were saying that I wasn't acting crabby. Well that's a good thing.

Since crabby time though, a lot of stuff has totally helped me out. Let's list, shall we?

~Good one-on-one: meetings with the boss are always fun. This was no exception. We didn't really talk about work--she was preoccupied with pondering her flat tire and I was trying to keep my thoughts from being about flannel jammies and a warm bed. But it was fun.

~New Lizzie McGuire: so it wasn't new, but I hadn't seen it before so it was new to me. So neh! And it was good.

~Happy messages: my fabulous friends--they're such a good support system. They left messages of love. Em even stopped by to see if I wanted Border Grill. Love you guys!!

~Mail: the light of my life. Not really but it makes me really happy. And I've gotten GOOD (not junk mail) mail the past couple of days.

~I got to laugh my ass off tonight: Yeah, I snorted a couple of times. And had tears at one point cuz of On the Spot. I really do think they're funny. And Adam and Jessica are quite talented. Go them! When they're famous I can say "I knew them when..."

~GOOOOOOD weekend plans: tomorrow night--clubbing. Friday: fun AP stuff and HARRYYYYYYYYYY Potter (gleeeeep! Soooo psyched). Saturday: hopefully catchup day, but moreso the GLBTAQ clubby thingy where I have like 3 dates. Go fruit fly, go fruit fly!! Sunday: bowling with my staff and Halverson staff, plus Harry again with Miss Dinkel. *grin* Like I said--gooood weekend plans!

That's what kept me going. Granted some of it happened like an hour ago, but still! I'm quite happy about these things. Yay!!!

Life is good. No matter how much I bitch and complain at times, life really is good. And I realize that my problems are so insignificant. That's a good thing. Yeah...I really am happy, no matter what can really go down.

I must drift off to sleep now. John's voice is so soothing. Mmmmm

Oh--one last thing. Click the LOVEME!!! link to support me. Last time I checked I was #94 and it was the biggest thrill ever. I'll love you forever if you do! I promise!

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Not Myself" by future-husband John Mayer

Crush du Jour: hmmmmm....could it BE John? (and perhaps even SG?)

Happy Thought of the Moment: flannel jammies, time to myself, dinner "date" with Sierra, fabulous weekend plans, being empowered, new Lizzie McGuires, seeing my talented residents, great impressions, dancing, fun fun meetings, my great co-chair Clayton (he's helped me MORE than you could even begin to understand), potential good acts for next semester, Sugar Ray, being heard, cute shoes, Gushers, hot chocolate, great poems, being inspired, touching lyrics ("suppose I said that you're my saving grace..." Wow.)

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