Girly Girl [ December 06, 2004, 10:13 pm ]

At the moment I'm watching Blue Collar TV. And I like it.


Yes, I realize that this may make me white trash. But honestly, it's really well-written. And who can go wrong with some beer jokes and silly gags on a Monday night? It's good fun.

God, next thing you know I'll declare dirty wife beaters to be the most fashionisty things ever. Oh god--I have a wife beater on under my sweater.

I think I may be a redneck. No, I'm a Yooper. There's a difference. Sometimes.

I'm making fabulous progress with my holiday gifts. I handed out my decorated paint-cans to my wonderful e-board today. I think they were touched with just the idea of gifts. I think they liked the presents, too. Or they at least fake-liked them. I thought they were cute. I was just nervous about giving them. Aaron's looked all Matrix-y with hologram green paper and leathery-like black paper. It kicked ass. I think they all did in their own way. I should have taken a picture to show my mad crafting skeelz. But I didn't. Yay for being artistical though.

It's going to be a good holiday season.

My sister's doing this cute little tradition of hers. She's sending e-cards out to a "select few" of her posse'. Luckily I get cute cards in my in-box every day. It's to help psych us up for Christmas. T'is the favorite Petersen holiday, after all. Too cute.

I was joking around with my mom about presents. I said that I wanted a ruby ring. I did! I do! I've wanted one for a while--it is my birth-stone. I thought she'd laugh in my face. Instead she said if I could find one at a decent price I could get it. Sweeeeeet. I found one at Younkers on hella sale. Hells yeah. I can't find a picture of it, but this one on looks a lot like it. It's pretty simple, but I like the diamond accent. The ruby is actually red, too and not that purple-y color like on this site.

Damn, it's good to be a girl sometimes.

Especially when you can get kick ass jewelry, be crafy-like and have guys dance the robot and hold doors open for you. (Who says chivalry is dead?)

Ciao, dahling!


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