Georgie Boy [ February 17, 2004, 12:09 pm ]

Ugh. I've been thinking about guys lately--what else is new. One guy in particular though. And this is going to sound SO bad.

I've been thinking about George Costanza. Not the Seinfeld character,though, the guy I knicknamed George. It's not a good thing. Believe me, it's not. I've seen him 3 freakin' times in the past week. And I don't wanna see him.

Background info:

George is one of the first people I met during my first day of classes at NMU my freshman year. He's short, stalky, balding and wears glasses--hence his name. He talked A. LOT. More than me, which is usually an impressive feat. Too bad he's so annoying. My skin crawled after talking to him for 5 minutes.

He decided that he liked me and spent the whole first week asking me out. Thank God I had enough sense even as an innocent freshman to turn him down. (I like to think that I have standards and they don't include annoying guys.)

He didn't get the picture though and sat by me in Philosphy class and talked my ear off every day--almost getting me in trouble numerous times. He'd see me in the cafeteria and sit by me--uninvited, fyi. He'd follow me around Jamrich and the lobbies in the residence halls. And all these times, he wouldn't shut up. He'd just blab about nothing. It was so annoying. If maybe he'd have learned to ducktape his mouth, I may have swooned. Maybe.

After that first semester we didn't have classes together, but every time he saw me he'd follow me and ask me out. It still happens even to this day.


I think the universe hates me because I keep running into George. Grr grr grr.

I want to give Rueben from American Idol II a great big hug.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My Rockstar Fantasy To: "meant to live" by switchfoot

Crush du Jour: Rob Thomas and the lead singer of Maroon 5

Happy Thought of the Moment: being done with my place piece (at least for now), comprehending my comm. theory, Fazolis, Fazoli's yummy breadsticks, feeling like a devine diva, my fossil shades, Spring Break soon, apple juice, fun pix, dorky phone convos with Brett, Still by J.Lo, MTV playing music videos, fun dreams, Battle of the Sexes going extremely well, dl-ing "I want your sex", The Inferno on MTV, comfy blankets, good hair days, steamy showers

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